22 - Official

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I walked into the Dino Cafe and saw Riley wiping down a table
"Hey Kylie, look at you!" He threw the cloth over his shoulder and looked me up and down.

"Do you like?" I slightly bent my knee, doing a little pose before a turn

"I do." Riley smiled but it soon disappeared. A hand was placed on my lower back

"Stop gawking at my girl" Chases voice came behind me. He smiled down at me before kissing my softly on the lips. Still get butterflies. "Why're you all dressed up anyway?"

We moved over to the table Riley had just cleaned and sat down, "I had a job interview today"

"Did you get it?" Chase took my hands in his across the table

"Yeah, I did"

Chase jumped up and grabbed me in a huge hug, nearly making me fall backwards, "I'm so happy for you! Writing right?"

"Yeah. Amber Beach News"

"Oh wow that's huge!"

"It is, yeah" I smiled. I was still unsure whether I should tell him I had to write about the Rangers; he probably won't be as happy when he finds that out.

"We need to celebrate!" He jumped up and ran to the kitchen.
A few minutes passed before he came out with the rest of the group and a big bowl of ice cream, "it was the only thing we had" Tyler smiled, "congrats on the job!"

Everyone else said their congratulations before we all dug into the ice cream.

Once the bowl was empty, and we could move again, me and Chase went for a walk around the museum.

We stopped by a bench and sat down, Chase put his arm round my shoulder as I leaned into him. Now's a good time as any... "Chase? Are we...official?"

"Do you want to be?" He asked slowly, but his heartbeat quickened as the silence fell between us.

"Well, you did save me"

"Then we can be official" I pulled myself away from him and looked in his eyes. I smiled, which in turn made him smile. He cupped my face before bringing me in for a kiss. "So I get to call you my girlfriend?"

"Yeah. And I get to call you my boyfriend" I bit my lip before kissing him again.

These butterflies had set up camp or something because with every kiss they were there.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now