30 - Watching You

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Chase and Riley were on Heckyls ship. They hid behind a door before jumping on two guards and over powering them. They continued on their journey, trying to find where Kylie was kept.

"Where do you think she is?" Riley asked as they turned another corner

"I don't know" Chase sighed, "the cages? Keeping her hostage?"

"If she's a hostage."

The whole journey to the ship and while in board, Riley had been going back and forth from "shes innocent" to "she's guilty". He needed to keep all his options open until he saw it for himself. Until he decided which one she was.

They walked along a corridor, through a door, along another...
"There's no one here" Riley whispered as they looked round

"Strange" Chase wondered what was going on; why was there no one? Where were the monsters? Where was Heckyl?
They went through another door and saw a long line of cages. They looked in each one; a monster in each but they were... asleep? Chases brow furrowed as they both walked down the corridor, reaching the end cage.

Looking inside they saw Kylie, lying on the floor as if she was asleep. "Kylie" Chase half shouted through the bars.

"How can we get her out?" Riley asked, looking at the lock to their left. They needed a key.

"Looking for something?"

Chase and Riley whipped round and Heckyl was at the other end of the corridor. He held a key in his hand, waving it around, taunting them.

"Why are you doing this Heckyl?" Chase shouted down to him.

"Keeps me busy" he smirked, leaning on the wall beside a cage.

"What's going on?" Riley asked, looking between all the cages, "is she ok?"

"They're all sleeping. I knew you'd turn up so I made sure they weren't vocal when you did" he stood up straight, putting his hands in his pockets, "she's fine" then a cheeky smile found his lips "though I see why you like her" he slowly chuckled, more to himself than to the Rangers. Chases brow furrowed as Heckyl continued, "did she tell you we went on a few dates?" Chases face soon changed to shock and disbelief "oh yes. And we even shared a kiss. Just behind you."

Chase looked round to Kylie lying in the cage and heard Heckyl softly chuckle again. "I don't believe you"

"Don't. Fine by me. But I know it happened, and so does she." Heckyl took his hand out his pocket and threw the key over to Chase and Riley, "see you later". Heckyl I turned and walked out of view.

Riley ran over to where the key had landed and took it back over to Chase. They looked at it, thinking the same: is it going to be this easy, really?

Riley put the key in the lock and the door opened. Chase ran in and picked Kylie up, "hey Kylie, hey I'm here" but nothing. The three of them left the ship without seeing anyone again.

Back on land, Chase and Riley walked along the park in the dark to the museum in order to keep Kylie safe, and to try wake her up. Little did they know someone had been watching...

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now