18 - Black Ranger Kisses Writer

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"So, What now?" I asked at my gate. Chase had walked me home after Kendall cleaned up my cuts and scraps. We were now standing outside my house, living room light on, and I was wondering where do we go from here.

"He'll be back. He'll try something else, send someone else" Chase took my hand in his as he spoke, "thank you for picking up my energem"

"It's no problem. We need the Power Rangers"

Chase stood there for a few moments, unable to look at me. His brow furrowed as if he was trying to work something out, "So are you going to out us?"

Oh, yeah. My blog. "There's no reason to" with that, he picked his head up and smiled at me, "all I ask is that I can get some more articles for my blog"

Chase laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. He bit his lip as he moved closer to me, "How about 'Black Ranger kisses writer'?"

He wrapped his arms round my waist, pulling me into him.

"There's no proof of this though" I wrapped mine round his neck, linking my fingers together.

"Best make some then" Chase leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. There was a click and I whipped my head around to see Chase taking a photo of us. He pulled away and put his phone in front of me.

"See, proof" he smirked.

"Suggest you delete that picture if you want to keep your fingers"

Our heads whipped round to my front door, Tristin was standing there looking rather annoyed.

"No, I want the picture" I said, taking Chases phone and sending it to myself.

Tristin has now walked over to us, concern grew on his face "What the hell happened!?" He grabbed my arm, seeing the bandages.

"Nothing" I whipped my arm out of his grasp and crossed them in front of me, "Good night Chase" I kissed him on the cheek and walked with Tristin to my door.

"Good morning" Chase smirked as I turned to wave, true, it was like 7 in the morning....

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now