24 - Cinema Date

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I finished work and walked to the Dino Cafe to grab Chase for our movie date.

"Damn girl" Riley smiled as he pulled a chair out for me to sit down

"Thank you my good sir" I laughed and sat down.

"I'll grab you a drink. Chase is just with Miss Morgan" Riley walked off to the kitchen and Tyler came out, sliding in opposite me

"Hey Ky, can I ask you a question?"

"Hit me" I smiled, grabbing my phone out my bag and popping on the table in case Clive messages me.

"How can I ask someone out?"

"Ask them?" I answered like it was the easiest thing to do.

"Well, I've tried but I just can't get the words out. I get nervous" Tyler shifted in his chair as Riley came back with my drink.

"Thanks hun" Riley winked and walked off to take someone elses order.

"so, who's this you want to ask out?" I smirked as I took a sip of my drink. Tyler looked down at the table and twiddled his fingers, "Oh my god it's Shelby isn't it!" Tyler blushed and I squealed, "Oh my god it is! Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" I grabbed his hands as Chase walked in.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking down at mine and Tylers hands.

"Nothing" I smiled and let go of Tylers hands. I stood up and kissed Chase on the cheek, "Shall we go?" Chase nodded and took my hand, linking his fingers with mine. "I will talk to you later" I pointed at Tyler as I put my bag on my elbow.

As we queued up for snacks, Chase put his arm round my shoulder and pulled me in closer to his side, "So why were you and Tyler holding hands?"

"Does it bother you?" I pushed myself away and looked up to him. He wouldn't look at me, "Take that as a yes" I sighed as I moved out of his hold, "Tyler was asking me something. There's nothing going on."

"You sure?" Chase finally looked at me. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek

"While we're being all talky-talky, I met one of your past girlfriends today" We moved closer to the till, "Abby...something"

"Blonde?" Chase asked without taking his eyes off the menu from the screens above the till points

"Yeah. And perfect" I mumbled before sighing and watching the couple walk passed us holding a tub of ice cream, big bag of popcorn and some chocolate bars. God I want to eat all that right now...Oooo, hot dogs! I smelt someone else walk passed and watched a guy walk over to the row of screens.

"Want a hot dog?" Chase's voice snapped me back and we were at the tills, "Earth to Kylie"

"Sorry" I smiled and shook my head, "No, I'm OK."

"You sure? You're not having any of mine" he smirked as the assistant passed a hot dog over

"I'm fine, honest." We got to the screen and found our seats, "remember to turn off your phone" I took mine out my bag and turned it off before throwing it back in. Chase picked out his from his pocket and turned it off.

"Off. I'm all yours" Chase smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips met but the butterflies were gone. Where are they?

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now