16 - Black Ranger

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A few more bangs on the door before a huge one and a thud; the door must have hit the wall as it swung open.

"Let her go Heckyl!" I know that voice...

"Oh no no no Black Ranger, that's not how it works. I have something you want, you have something I want" Heckyls voice sounded mean, something I hadn't heard before

"Kylie, are you alright?" That voice, I know it! I nodded as more tears fell, "Look at me".

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away a few tears before looking at the Black Ranger by the door. "Help me, please" I begged as I felt the knife push against my neck.

"Heckyl, please let her go. She's got nothing to do with this" the Black Ranger said, slowly moving in, holding his hands out.

"She's got everything to do with this. You like her don't you?" Heckyl asked. I looked over to the Black Ranger and he shot his head to me. I couldn't see his face at all, I couldn't read him. Who is he? "Give me your energem and I give you her."

"I'm not giving you it" the Black Rangers voice shaked as he spoke, what is this energem? What does it do? It must be important.

"Then I'm not giving you her" Heckyl laughed. The Black Ranger moved closer to us as Heckyl spoke, "You take another step Ranger and you'll be sorry".

He stopped before looking over to me and back at Heckyl. He took one more step and Heckyl lifted a hand, shooting out a load of those blue lights and hitting the Black Ranger in the chest pushing him backwards and hitting the wall.

"No!" I shouted without thinking, jolting forward as I did. Heckyl pulled me back, putting the knife back to my throat.

The Black Ranger slowly pushed himself up onto his hands, looking over to the two of us as Heckyl spoke, "You're letting your feelings get in the way" he said in a sing-song voice.

"Do you need some help?" a voice came from over by the Black Ranger.

"No. This is my fight" the Black Ranger replied, pushing himself up to his feet, "this is between us."

"Maybe you didn't hear me, give me your energem!" Heckyl shouted, slightly moving the knife away from my neck.

"You wouldn't hurt her" he replied. I felt a stab in my arm, I screamed as the pain went down my arm. I looked over to my right to see the knife slightly in the top of my arm and blood dripping down to my elbow and onto the floor.I

"STOP! OK OK!" the Black Ranger shouted and Heckyl looked up "I'll give you my energem just please don't hurt her anymore."

"There's a good boy" Heckyl pulled the knife out my arm, which hurt probably more than it going in. He pulled me to my feet, "Now, I'm going to untie you but no moving until I get that energem in my hand" he told me.

I nodded as he cut off the rope on my wrists. I moved my hands infront of me and saw my wrists were red from where the rope had rubbed and also slightly bleeding.

The Black Ranger held out his hand in a fist and a sort of light appeared around him. I couldn't see him for a few moments before the light faded.

"Chase?" I questioned, looking at where the Black Ranger used to stand, "You're...?"

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now