31 - The Bomb

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Sorry about the lack of parts up. I had a lot going on and then I found out I'm pregnant!
These past few weeks I've been feeling sick and tired and just so unmotivated to do anything; baby draining my energy.
So I've got a couple of parts written, but bare with me as I get back into the swing of this story.
Enjoy x

My eyes fluttered open to see Chase, Riley and Miss Morgan leaning over me, "Why so close?"

"Kylie! You're awake!" Chase smiled and grabbed me in a hug, holding a bit too tight.

"Yeah, and ow. My head" I winced in pain, holding the side of my head. There was a bandage covering something, I'm guessing a cut or graze.

"Sorry" Chase mumbled, letting me go carefully and placing me back down on the bed.

"What happened?"

"Don't you remember?" Miss Morgan asked, frowning as she scribbled on her note pad. Chase went through the events on the ship before there was silence.

"What does he want from me?!" tears escaped my eyes as I sat up, going a little dizzy.

"We don't know" Riley sighed as he leaned back on the bed next to me, "It's....strange."

The next day I called work to take the day off for the head injury;  it didn't feel right to go back so quick. The line rang a few times before Clive picked up, "Hey Clive it's Kylie. Listen, I got a pretty bad head knock last night-"

"Oh I know" he interrupted me

"What? How do you -"

"I have photos here of you with two guys. There's a video too, showing the three of you appear out of nowhere."

I stuttered as I spoke, "What...that's...how can someone just appear?"

"I don't know." he clicked his tongue a few times, "You've been pictured with the same guys a few times. Thing's don't seem to add up"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"I'm going to send you the article that someone has written up. Have a read and see if you get what I'm saying" I could practically hear him smirk through the phone, "Get better soon."

The line went dead with my phone still to my ear. Who the hell took pictures of me?

A few minutes later my phone pinged with a new email. My heart thumped against my chest as I opened up the attachment.

Power Rangers Exposed!
Are these the faces of the Power Rangers? We have exclusive news and pictures of who we believe are the Power Rangers.

Followed were pictures of the group in their suits and then a few with them out of them, just hanging around the cafe or in the park. You couldn't tell they were the Power Rangers, but it made me feel real uneasy. The last photo was of me, Chase and Riley the night before. The video was attached too and for sure we appeared from nowhere, Chase carrying me as Riley walked a little ahead continually looking round.

Staring at my phone I wondered if I should tell them, but I didn't want to worry them. As I said, you couldn't tell it was them in the suits, so they didn't really have a story. But, it wasn't a story yet. They were obviously waiting for something else, something to happen. And, how did they know that was where we would appear? The video started a good few seconds before we even appeared and it was dark; someone couldn't have just been filming darkness for no reason. Someone had told them.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now