21 - Amber Beach News

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I sat in the reception of Amber Beach News headquarters

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I sat in the reception of Amber Beach News headquarters. The receptionist was busy tapping on the keyboard to her computer, the clock on the wall stated 9:58 and gently ticked the seconds away. I sat on one of their red chairs by a coffee table littered with newspapers and magazines. The receptionist had already brought me over a coffee when I arrived 10 minutes ago; I was nervous so I arrived extra early, knowing the meeting wouldn't be over at 10.

I picked up my third magazine and downed the last bit of coffee as I flicked through the articles.

"Oh, they broke up again. How sad" I mumbled to myself, seeing yet another celebrity couple living in splitsville.

The receptionists phone rang, breaking me away from the magazine to look at her. She lifted the receiver with such grace, "Amber Beach News Reception....of course sir" she put the phone back down, stood up and walked towards me, "if you would like to follow me, Mr Brown is ready for you" she smiled.

I sat my coffee cup and magazine back on the table and looked up to the clock 10:01, ok so they were on time...

The receptionist opened a door for me and inside was Mr Clive Brown. He sat behind a large desk covered with paperwork.

"Ah, Miss Kylie please take a seat" he pointed towards a seat in front of his desk before gathering some of the paperwork up and putting it in a pile. "So, have you thought about it?"I

"I have"

"And your decision is...?"

He sat with his fingers interlocking, leaning on his elbows on the desk. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes

"When do I start?"

Uh-oh! Could this job mean Kylie will out the Rangers at some point? What will her boss make her do to stay in the game?

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now