15 - Not What I Thought

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I was now sat and tied to a chair in a different room. Heckyl was sitting in a chair opposite me, just staring, "You can't keep me here. My family will worry and then I'll be found either by the Rangers or the police."

"I'm sure I could find one of my many monsters to change their minds" he smirked, twirling something in his fingers. Every so often it glittered in the small amount of light that shone through a window, a knife? Why? To get me out?

"Was any of it real?" I asked, looking at the floor.

"Does it matter?"

"That's a no then."

Heckyl stood up, moving the chair and making it scrape across the floor. He leaned down, picking my face up to look at him, "No, nothing I told you was true. Had to make something up, couldn't tell you I was from another planet could I?"

"I'd have thought you were quirky, but I still would have said yes to the date" I looked him dead in the eyes; he didn't budge. We stared at each other in silence.

I was so torn, part of me wanted to kiss him, but the other part wanted to hit him. I tried to move my hand, but the ropes were too tight. Obviously the second part is stronger than the first.

A loud bang interrupted us and he lowered his hand, "Think your fan's here" he whispered before turning round and leaving the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I could only hear some parts; banging, smashing, cracking... Who's out there? Who's winning? I kept wriggling my hands, trying to get free. It cut into my wrists, burning my skin as it sliced through.

The door opened and Heckyl came back in, "Let me go, please" I begged.

"No. I'm too close" Heckyl moved behind me, grabbing the back of my chair and looking at the door, "Just you wait" he bent down and leaned in close to my ear, "Here comes lover boy".

I could hear footsteps running through the halls; I couldn't tell how far they were, but they were getting louder. My heart beat quickened as I heard someone banging on the door, "Make a noise and I blast the door. That could kill him." A static sound began behind me, I looked to my right to see Heckyls hand raised with those blue lights coming out of it.

A silent tear ran down my cheek. I closed my eyes, unsure what was going to happen next.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now