29 - The Kiss

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I sat in the cold cage, waiting for something to happen. I kept checking my phone in case by some grace of god I managed to get signal. In the four hours I had been there, I hadn't. My battery was low so I threw it across the room, not wanting to look at it any more; not wanting to see how long I'd been trapped.

There was no sound outside, I'm not sure what had happened but the monsters had been quiet for some time. I stood up and walked over to the door, looking out I couldn't see in to the other cages. I looked round the walkway to see if there was anything to help me, anything I could use to get me out or for someone to get in. A light flickered in the distance and Heckyl came into view.

"What do you want now?" I asked as he walked towards me. He stayed silent all the way, unlocking the door and coming in himself. He locked the door behind him and placed the key in his pocket.

"Why the Rangers?" He asked, leaning backwards on the door

"They're interesting. They save us."

"What about me?" Heckyl looked into my eyes. I wasn't standing that far away from him, I could see he was different. Something was different.

"You intrigued me" I answered honestly. He really did when we first met. "Then you stood me up and kidnapped me, so I wasn't your biggest fan."

"I only did that for the energems"

"They won't make the same mistake twice"

"They didn't. Only the Black Ranger did. The others wouldn't give up their energem for you" he stood up straight and walked towards me. I stepped back, not wanting to be too close to him, "they don't care about you the way he does."

My back hit the wall but Heckyl kept moving forward until he was right in front of me, only a piece of paper would be able to get between us.

He was right. They didn't care about me. I was in the way. I was determined to prove them wrong, but I guess being kidnapped for a second time didn't help.

"They'll still save me" I breathed out in a whisper. I wasn't even convinced by what I said, let alone Heckyl.

Heckyl laughed as he moved his head closer to me, "I doubt it" he whispered before moving his lips closer and finally touching mine.

I'll admit, I didn't hate it. He pushed his body against mine as the kiss deepened, I forgot about Chase for a few seconds before pushing him back.

"How dare you!" I shouted, slapping him round the face.

He was taken aback by this. Heckyl grabbed my throat, pushing me against the wall and picking me up slightly, my toes just gracing the floor.

"You kissed back" he smirked, looking me up and down, "but no one does that to me and gets away with it" he hissed before throwing me to the ground.

My head hit the cold floor hard. It went fuzzy before I closed my eyes and everything around me grew silent.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now