6 - Cafe Confessions

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We walked into the cafe to find it pretty dead. There were two guys and a girl stood by the kitchen, leaning on the side waiting for something to happen.

"Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to Kylie" Chase beamed as we neared them, "Kylie, this is Shelby, Tyler and Koda" he pointed to each of his friends and they all said hi.

"Hi" I waved back to them, unsure what to say next. We stood in silence and looked at eachother, obviosuly we all were unsure how to carry on this conversation. "So, you all met here?" I asked and they all nodded

"Yeah, we started working here a while back and became quite good friends" Shelby explained and smiled at me.

"It's nice you work with friends. I heard it makes the day go quicker" I smiled back.

"Do you want a drink? I'll get you a drink!" Riley said suddenly, grabbing Tyler by the arm, "Come help me...er...work the machine. Still haven't got use to it" he looked at me, pushing out a fake laugh and walking into the kitchen. Weird.

I sat at the table near us and the rest joined, Koda stood up while Chase and Shelby sat down, "Where's Ivan?" Chase asked, looking at Koda.

"He...went...away. Needed...do...something" he managed to get out in quite broken English.

"Is he foreign?" I whispered to Chase.

"Er, yeah. From...erm...Russia" Chase smiled, looking quickly to Shelby and Koda before looking back to me.

"OK" I said, leaning back in my chair, "Feel like you're hiding something from me"

"No, no, no, no. Nope. No. Not at all" Chase said quickly, laughing uncomfortably.

I frowned at him as Riley and Tyler came back out with drinks for us all. They sat down too and I thanked them, taking a drink off the tray.

"So, Kylie. What do you like to do?" Shelby asked, beaming at me. Her smile was so captivating, it made me smile back.

"Not much. Looking for a job at the moment, but I fill my day writing" I explained

"What do you write about?" Riley jumped in quickly

"Oh, nothing. It's nothing, honestly. I mainly write for myself" I looked down at my hands, fiddling my fingers

"Come on, I bet it's great" Tyler smiled as Chase took one of my hands to stop me fidgeting.

"Most people I've told make fun of me and say I'm being silly and whatever" I explained as I looked up to the group, they were all staring at me waiting for me to answer properly.

"We wont think it's silly. If it's what you like doing then why would anyone else find it silly?" Tyler said before taking a sip of his drink

"OK" I took a deep breath in before continuing, "I write about the Power Rangers" I looked at everyones expressions; Koda and Shelby looked shocked while Tyler and Rileys expression didn't change, "What?"

"Nothing" Shelby said, shaking her head, "Not what I expected you to say. I thought it would be something like fashion or make-up or something like that."

"Well, I do enjoy fashion too. It's just the Power Rangers get the clicks"

"The...clicks?" Koda said, frowning down at me.

"Yeah. I write a blog about them. Where they've been, what they do. I even interview people who have seen them or have been saved by them. Like I said, some people find it silly."

"No, it's not silly. It's...erm...interesting" Chase said looking at the group.

"Oh yeah....uh-hu...really interesting" they all said over eachother, nodding their heads. Guess you need to be a bit weird to work here.

Tyler looked over my shoulder, "Hi Ivan....Ivan?" he frowned as we all turned to look at the door way. A guy stood there holding a sword in hand and staring over at us, "Ivan? What's going on?" Tyler got up and started walking over to him, the others slowly followed.

"Must. Kill" Ivan said looking at Tyler before swinging his sword towards him.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now