34 - The Fall Out

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"I'm telling you, she is writing it! She's the dedicated Power Ranger reporter!" Tyler shouted later that afternoon down in the hideout. I had just turned up, hiding round the corner and listening to the conversation. Don't judge me.

"Why would she do that?" Chase protested, "if it all comes out she's in trouble as well. She's dating me. It would be just as bad for her."

"Maybe that's why she's with you!" Tyler snapped back, "to gain your trust and then stamp on it all over the newspaper!"

"Don't talk about her like that!" I took a peek round the corner and could see the two boys squaring off with each other.

"You're only standing up to her because you 'slept over' hers last night. Got you whipped mate" Tyler spat.

Before I had chance to respond, Chases fist had smacked into Tyler's jaw, causing him to fly backwards and the rest to jump up in shock.

"CHASE!" I shouted, running over to him and grabbing him away from Tyler, "What are you doing?"

"He's being a d-"

"No! He has a point!" Shelby shouted, walking over to us, "you are the one that writes about us. Why shouldn't we think you're the one writing this article and trying to get Chases trust?"

"I'm not! I don't want anyone to know who you are! I wouldn't want to risk all your lives." I tried to explain but no one seemed to be listening. "Forget it. I'll leave you all alone."

I walked out the hideout, holding back the tears before I got out of ear shot. I was finally far enough away that I slammed into the wall and slid down, pulling my knees up and bursting into tears.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up I saw Chase kneeling beside me with hurt in his eyes, "please don't leave me."

"All I'm doing is causing trouble. What am I suppose to do to keep you all safe?"

"But don't leave me" he leaned forward, placing his forehead on mine.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now