7 - Finding the Hideout

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Tyler quickly moved out the way before Ivan swung again. Chase grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen, "Stay here" he said as he placed me under the serving hatch bar on the kitchen side.

"Where are you going?" I grabbed his arm as he went to move, "Stay with me, please"

"He's my friend I need to help" Chase took my hand and kissed my knuckle before leaving the kitchen. My heart was thumping as I heard tables and chairs move and smash. I couldn't make anything out they were saying, no matter how hard I tried. A chair come through the hatch and hit the back wall. It made me jump as it clattered to the floor. I looked to the right and saw a back door, I need to get out of here! I ran to the door and exited before anyone noticed.

I quickly sent a text to Chase so he knew I was OK.

Hey, I managed to get out. I'm OK. Please text when U can so I know UR OK x

I put my phone back in my pocket and hid round the corner near some boxes. I sunk to the floor to catch my breath. I looked up to see a huge dinosaur with its mouth open; teeth looking huge and sharp. I got up and walked over to it, Why haven't I seen this before? Has it ever been out in the museum?

I gently stroked the dinosaur, running my hand over one of the teeth a sudden loud crash came from the cafe direction making me jump. I slipped and fell backwards into the dinosaur mouth, grabbing one of the teeth to help me but it moved with me and I continued to fall. What the hell is this!?

I fell down a dark hole like I was on a water slide or something and landed with a hmpf on the floor. I blinked a few times looking up to the ceiling, what the hell?

I stood up and looked around the room. There was two empty sections on the walls with stones sticking out of the top and bottom. I walked over to have a look, does something go here? My head continued to bang as I looked at the rest of the room.

"Oh my god who are you!?" a womans voice came from the other side of the room.

"I fell down a dinosaur" I frowned as I rubbed my head, "my head hurts."

As I felt the back of my head, pretty sure I felt a lump. The room started to spin and slowly went black.

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