4 - The Power Rangers

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I sat on top of the ramp for a while, wondering what to do as I waited. Why am I here? the scream...Power Rangers! I jumped up, grabbing Chases skateboard and running off in the direction of the scream.

I got to the park and hid behind a tree, bending low to the ground, when I saw someone being hit by some sort of monster-alien thing. Thats when the Power Rangers ran over and started to fight the thing.

I pulled out my phone and started filming, This is going straight up to my blog! I continued to film as they faught their way through the monsters. Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Gold and Black. They were all there. This is amazing!

The monsters were flying everywhere as the rangers defeated them all. The monster things got up and seemed to disappear with a bolt of light up to the sky.

I had managed to grab it all on film. Brilliant! I stopped filming and began uploading it to my blog, I looked up and the rangers had gone. I wanted to talk to them, damn it!

I jumped up myself and ran back to the skate park, hoping Chase hadn't come back to find me gone.

Think of an excuse. Think of an excuse. I thought as I saw Chase by the ramp, looking round the park. "Sorry, had to go and...erm..." I started to explain standing next to him, I couldn't think of anything.

"No I should say sorry for running off like that. It was erm..." he stuttered as he ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck. He's hiding something...?

My phone beeped from my pocket letting me know the video was uploaded. "What was that?"

"Text message. I'll answer it in a bit" I smiled and we ran back up the ramp and sat back down.

While we talked, my phone kept buzzing in my pocket, I ignored it as much as I could but it got too annoying, "Give me two seconds" I smiled, getting my phone out my pocket. 60 unread messages!? 12 text messages!? What the hell!?

"You alright?" Chase asked, looking at me concerned.

"Yeah...well, no. My mum needs me back, I'm sorry" I lied as I jumped up and Chase followed me.

"Oh, right, OK. Well, I had a great time getting to know you" Chase smiled as we walked out the skate park.

"Same. Hope we can do it again sometime?"

"Definitely" Chase smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I kissed his cheek and waved goodbye, running off in the direction of my house.

Once home, I ran upstairs and opened up my laptop to my blog. I had so many comments on my video that I couldn't answer them all like I usually did. People were asking me how I got the video, did I talk to them, did they see me, some even saying I was a Power Ranger and I got someone to video me? Well that would be weird. I re-watched the video, really looking at what the rangers did to defeat the things when the Green Ranger looked in my direction and stopped. Had he seen me? What would have happened if he did? Would they see this video? Would they know it was me?

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now