14 - Does It Make A Sound?

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The Power Rangers turned up at the park already morphed. They looked round, trying to figure out why they were called out there

"Guys, what the hell is going on?" Chase shouted to the rest, "Kylie and I were upstairs..."

"Do not finish that sentence" Tyler interrupted him, "We really don't want to know."

"Can we focus!" Riley shouted.

"Come on guys, who called us here?" Shelby took out her Dinocom and spoke to Kendall, "Why are we here?"

"Aliens were detected there...Are there none?" Kendall questioned over the Dinocom.

"No. There's nothing" Riley said, while looking around again, "What's that?" he pointed over by a tree where something was catching the moonlight.

Tyler ran over and picked it up, bringing it back to the group
"That...Kylie" Koda said, pointing to the silver chain with a key pendant hanging low.

"She was wearing it tonight" Chase frowned at the necklace, taking it off Tyler, "Kylie was here?"

"But Sir, she is nowhere to be seen" Ivan chimed in.

"Why would she be here anyway?" Shelby asked, looking up at Chase.

"She must have followed us" Chase mumbled, continuing to look at the necklace.

"Do you think she knows?" Ivan looked over to Tyler, every else followed his movement.

Tyler looked at everyone while thinking about it logically. "She did find the base"

"But she can't remember it" Shelby answered.

"Chase took his mask off to snap her out of that trance" Tyler made another point.

"But she can not remember" and Ivan shot it down.

"Who says she can't remember? Maybe she's faking it" Tyler said, trying to cover all options.

"It would be up on her blog if she knew." Riley said, looking back around them. Still nothing.

"She would have told me if she knew" Chase whispered before sighing, "What the hell is going on!?" he shouted, tightening his grip on the necklace.

"Yoo-hoo! Rangers!" Everyone turned to look where the voice had come from.

"Puzzler? I thought we -" Tyler started before Chase cut him off,

"What do you want?"

"I've got a puzzle for you; what's black and small, brave but scared, and waiting for you?" Puzzler laughed.

"Kylie" Chase breathed out, just audible for all to hear.

"Point to Black Ranger" Puzzler pointed to Chase, "Now the rest of you have to get better if you want to win."

"What's the prize?" Tyler shouted over.

"Your dear friend" Puzzler pulled out a chair from nowhere and sat down, "Now then, where was I? Oh yes. If a tree falls in woods and no-one is around, does it make a sound?"

"Of course it does" Tyler said as if it was the most stupid question ever asked.

"Well, how would you know? No-ones there to hear it so maybe it doesn't" Riley countered.

"Everything makes a sound when it falls."

"But how would we know? No ones there to hear it!"

"Because, science!"

"That's a stupid argument."

Tyler and Riley continued to argue over the riddle as Puzzler laughed, "Oh what fun! I didn't think my little questions were going result in a fight. Maybe I'll try another."

"Just tell us where Kylie is!" Chase shouted, getting impatient.

"Seven men in seven beds, eating from seven bowls in one house." Puzzler asked

"What?" Chase frowned at Puzzler, getting rather annoyed, "Why are we just standing here?"

"Come for me Ranger, and I'll just leave. Work it out..."

"Just tell us where Kylie is!" Tyler shouted.

"I am" Puzzler magiced a magazine out of thin air and started to flick through it.

Chase signed and thought back to the questions, " Seven men....Seven beds....Dwarfs! Snow White! The woods! She's in the woods!"

"Very good Black Ranger. Two points to you! Come on guys, catch up" Puzzler stood up, the magazine and chair disappeared, "Last one. 50 beats of your heart is where I will be" Puzzler disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Rangers stood in awe, confused of the last puzzle.

"Come on Chase, you got the others. What's this one?" Shelby asked, grabbing Chase by the arm, "We need it to save Kylie!"

"I have no idea" Chase stuttered, trying to think it over but nothing came to him. He looked at the necklace again; he felt useless. He should know this, and because of this he won't be able to save her.

"Pace!" Riley shouted, breaking the silence. Everyone stared at him, "Beats of a heart...What do you use if your heart can't beat properly?...A PACEmaker...? Seriously? Nothing?" Riley looked at everyones blank faces, "50 paces..."

"...in to the woods!" Chase finished off the sentence, "Oh my God Riley you're a genius!"

"When this is done, we're talking about that whole tree falling thing" Tyler said to Riley as the others ran after Chase who was half way across the park now.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Riley shouted after Tyler.

"Then just agree with me!"

"Oh for goodness sake Tyler!"

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now