23 - Perfect

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A couple days passed and work was going well

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A couple days passed and work was going well. I had interviewed some people that had been saved from the Power Rangers, and I was onto my last interview for the day.

This tall, blonde girl sat opposite me, sipping her vanilla triple shot soy latte from the local coffee shop; apparently our coffee wasnt good enough for her. Her eyebrows were perfect, her face was perfect, her hair, her legs, her body...all perfect. I looked down at myself as she spoke; I wasn't perfect.

"And then he was like 'shall we go out' and I was just like 'er, yeah'!" she flicked her hair back and looked at me with her big blue eyes

"So you went on a date with the Black Ranger?" I tapped the end of my pen on the table.

"Yeah, I mean who wouldn't date a ranger?"

"Yeah. I guess" I scribbled down on my note book, need to talk to Chase *frowny face* "So, tell me about this date?" I faked smiled at her as she went on about how she went to the skate park with him, they had ice-cream and...well, OK I stopped listening after that. Is that his go-to date? We went to the skate park...

I said goodbye about 20 minutes later and went back to my desk, sitting in the swivel chair and banging my head againt the table. Tom who's desk is opposite mine patted me on the back of the head, "There there love".

I picked my head back up and looked over to him, "She was so....so....perfect!" I put my head back on the table.

"She wasn't that perfect" I heard Tom open his drawer, the best drawer in the whole office. He tapped me on the shoulder and I picked my head back up again as he passed me a chocolate bar.

"Like this is gonna help" I moaned, taking the chocolate off him and opening the bar up, "this is part of the problem" I took a big bite and kicked off my shoes under the desk.

"Then give it me back" he leaned over the desks and I pushed myself backwards away from him.

"Mitts off" I spoke with a mouth full of chocolate, "It's helping."
Tom laughed and turned back to his computer, shaking his head. I grabbed the edge of my desk and pulled myself back. I looked at my notes and realised I hadn't really made anything that I could use. Oh my god, I need to write this up. Let me think...what did she say?

I thought back to the date, this perfectly sculpted woman and Chase sitting and chatting and kissing... I shook my head getting the image out my mind. Sighing, I turned to my computer and started typing anything and everything that I could remember from the conversation before editing it down into some sort of thing that I could pass as an article.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now