17 - Demorphed

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"Here Heckyl. Now let her go" Chase stepped forward, hand still out straight and passed something over. Heckyl took it and I looked over as he opened his hand; it looked like a crystal but had a black glow about it that started to fade slightly.

Heckyl was still looking at the little crystal, the knife lowered a little as his attention was on the gem.

I made my right hand into a fist, taking it in my left hand before pushing my arm back and elbowing Heckyl in the stomach. He stumbled backwards letting go of me and doubling over, letting out an 'oofff', my next move was quick; I turned fast and punched him. He dropped the knife and crystal as he fell backwards, holding his face and stomach.

"Run!" I shouted at Chase. He turned to run out the door and I followed; but just before I did, I bent down and grabbed the knife and crystal.

I caught Chase just outside the room, he grabbed my hand and we made our way down the hallways and out the front door where the other Rangers were waiting.

"Chase! You're-" the Pink Ranger started as we stopped, bending over to catch our breath.

"I know. I had to" Chase said between breathes.

There was shouting from inside the building and we all turned to look, "Let's get out of here" I said.

"Good idea" Chase grabbed my hand again and we all ran out of the woods into a jeep.

We arrived outside the museum, looking at the radio it blinked 4:35am. We all jumped out and I looked at them all, "so who are you all?"

The Rangers looked at each other before to Chase, "We can trust her, can't we?"

"I don't know. She wants to out us" Green Ranger motioned to me but spoke to Chase.

"I won't. I promise" I said as they all looked at each other again.

The Rangers held their hands out just as Chase did. The white light faded to show Shelby, Tyler, Koda, Riley and Ivan. "Now it makes sense" I smiled.

"Come on, we'll get you cleaned up" Tyler smiled and headed towards the back. The rest of us followed until we got to the boxes I was at before. The dinosaurs head was behind a pile of boxes, hiding it from view.

"So I wasn't dreaming..?" I questioned looking at Chase as Koda pulled the tooth and went down.

"No. Sorry, we needed to keep it a secret" he explained as Tyler, Ivan, Shelby and Riley followed down. "Ladies first" Chase bowed before helping me up.

At the bottom, I was back in that room I thought was a dream.

"What's she doing back here!?" The girls voice from my dream came from the far side, "Why have you demorphed?"

"Kendall, it's fine. I had to" Chase started to explain, taking my hand and moving towards the girl, "Kylie, Kendall" he introduced us and I waved.

"Hi, what do you mean you had to?" Kendall smiled before turning back to Chase.

"Heckyl was going to hurt her, look" he took my arm with the cut from my shoulder to elbow, "I gave him my energem."

"To save her?" Kendall asked. Chase nodded, "That was very noble. Stupid, but noble."

"What is an...en..er..gem?" I asked as Chase moved me to a bed and sat me down.

Kendall came over with some cotton pads to clean me up as she spoke, "They're the Power Rangers energy source. Each one is connected to each Ranger, without it Chase can't morph into the Black Ranger."

I swallowed as I looked over to Chase who shuffled his feet, hands in pockets, and wouldn't look at me, "You gave that up for me?" He nodded, still not looking at me. "Good job I grabbed it then."

His head shot up as I went into my dress, into my bra and pulled out the crystal Chase passed to Heckyl.

"You have it!?" Chase ran over and took it from me.

"He dropped it. He wanted it that bad that I thought it must be something important."

"You're amazing!" Chase grabbed me into a hug, pushing Kendall out the way, "I'm not even joking, you should have seen her. Total badass" Chase looked to the others, standing next to me with his arm round my good side. Kendall went back to cleaning up my cut.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now