3 - Chase

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The next morning I woke up and grabbed the bits I had found for my outfit of the day

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The next morning I woke up and grabbed the bits I had found for my outfit of the day. While I carefully applied my make-up, music started to pump through the wall between my room and my brothers, "Why every damn morning!" I got up from my chair and banged on the wall behind my vanity. I sat back down as, just like every morning, he banged back. Why do we play this game every morning!?

I got out my seat and went to his room, flinging open the door. He was stood by his mirror, styling his hair, "Turn that down!" I screamed over the music.

"What? I cant hear you!" he shouted back, smirking

"Tristin! Turn. It. Down!" I walked over to his music system and turned it off.

"Hey!" he moved away from the mirror and over to my, "I like listening to it in the morning."

"That's fine but the whole house doesn't want to hear it!"

"Oh you two! Why every morning?" mums voice came from Tristins door way.

"But mum!" we both said together.

"No buts. Get sorted and get going!" he waved her hands in the air as she walked off down the hallway.

I huffed and stormed out his room, slamming his door and mine shut. The music turned back on as I sat at the vanity to complete my make-up. If I go wrong with this eyeliner, he'll pay!

I sat at the breakfast table, munching on toast when my phone lit up and vibrated:

Morning. Meet @9 by the museum? Need to pop in first thing but then I'm all yours ;) Cx

Sure. Just don't be too long x

Promise I wont be x

I smiled at our little texts as I finished my toast and getting up, "See you guys later" I practically ran to the front door, grabbing an orange on the way.

"Where're you off?" Tristin asked as I reached the bottom of the stairs, pulling my trainers on.

"None of your business" I stood up and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Seeing a boy?" he asked. I stopped with the front door open and looked back to my brother, "So you are. Who is it? What's his name? What does he do?" He moved round me to stand outside on the porch in front of me.

"None of your business" I repeated and pushed my way passed him.

"I'll find out" he shouted after me as I went down the garden path and out the gate,

"No you wont!" I shouted back, going in the direction of the museum.

Once there, I waited at the front doors for him to arrive. I got there at 9:05 and he wasn't around. I looked all around and couldn't see him, Best not be standing me up.

I looked back at my phone, 9:08. I sighed and placed it back in my pocket. I'll wait a few more minutes, then I'll text him. As if on que, Chase came running out the museum, skateboard under arm.

"I am so sorry I'm late. The thing I had to do ran over" he stood next to me, pointing into the museum.

"It's fine. Just don't do it again" I smiled at him, playfully hitting his arm.

"I promise I wont" he smiled and we walked off from the museum.

"Where are we going?" I asked, linking my arm with his.

"Skate park, where else?"

"But I haven't got a skateboard. I don't even know how to ride one"

"Then you're in luck. You just so happen to have the best teacher." Chase smiled as we continued on our path.

At the skate park, we found a little spot that was clear so I could learn how to skateboard; it was much harder than it looked.

"Left foot there. Right one there when you get back on" Chase positioned my feet on the board as I tried to balance. The board moved pretty easily from side to side underneath my feet; it was difficult to remain straight. "You ready?" he stood up, holding onto my hands. I nodded and he began to walk backwards, pulling me along with him. It was even harder to stay up straight on a moving board. I wobbled as he pulled me along, laughing together too as I knew I looked ridiculous, but it was quite fun to learn. Chase put his foot out to stop the board, "There, now you can ride a skateboard."

"I may have only just learnt this, but I'm pretty sure there's more to it then that" I got off the board, still holding his hands.

"Yeah there is a little bit more" he smirked, "But you stayed on the board. And that's difficult in itself when you first try."

"How many times did you fall off when you started?" I asked as we walked over to a ramp and sat at the top. We looked out at the skateboarders and bikes going up and down the ramps and along with pipes with ease. If only I was that talented.

"Too many to count" Chase said, "I stayed out all day until I stopped falling off. Literally took me all day, from breakfast to bed time. I went home with so many cuts and scrapes and bruises my mum thought I'd been in a fight" he laughed, recalling his memory from childhood. "You do any sports?" he turned to look at me

"No. I'm not very sporty at all". I had dabbled in football, basketball, netball, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, even dodgeball and I sucked at them all. I gave up any sports when I turned 14, to the annoyance of the coach at school. But to the relief of the other students who I had to be team mates with; with me on the team they knew we'd lose.

"You look the part though" Chase looked me up and down.

"Oh yeah, I can look like I'd know what I was doing but trust me I'd have no clue" I waved my hands in the air, "I have a flare for fashion, but actually doing something? Not me at all."

"So apart from fashion, what else interests you?"

"Writing. I'd love to be a journalist one day" I smiled as I talked about my passion, "I love the freedom writing gives you. The fact that people hang on your every word is pretty awesome too" I smiled

"So you'd be a fashion journalist?"

"Maybe. I mainly write up pieces about the Power Rangers on my blog at the moment."

Chases head shot round to look at me, "The...th...the P..Pow...Power Rangers?" he stuttered

"Yeah. I know it's lame, but I found them all so interesting" I looked over to him; he was tense, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" he said rather quickly, something was up. I wasn't going to push it on our first date, but the Power Rangers obviously got to him somehow.

Suddenly, a scream was heard over in the general direction of the park. Chases phone vibrated and he jumped up, "Sorry, I have to go. I'll erm, I'll be right back!" he jumped down the ramp and ran off, "Stay there!" he shouted back to me.

"Ooo...K" I said confused as I watched him run off, phone to ear. That was strange.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now