11 - Butterfly Kisses

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The next day was Tristins birthday

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The next day was Tristins birthday. I had stayed home all day helping mum set the house up for his party that evening. As I sat at the dining table, picking at my sandwich, I thought about Heckyl leaving me there. Maybe he had a good excuse? I am blank at some bits so maybe we had gone downstairs for..something? But why hasn't he text me back? I pulled my phone out my pocket and looked at the screen, still no text from him. I placed it down on the table and continued to pick at my sandwich. Suddenly it vibrated and I grabbed it quickly. It wasn't Heckyl, but it was Chase.

Hey, what time did you want us over again? x

I had invited him, Tyler, Riley, Shelby, Koda and Ivan over for Tristins party as I wasn't going to have any one that I really knew there.

About 7? Is that OK? x

Yeah, that's perfect. We'll see you then :) x

It was great to hear from him, At least he's reliable. I got out the seat and went upstairs to start getting ready. I showered and got my new dress on before sitting and thinking about my make-up; simple yet affective I think.

The party was in full swing when there was another knock on the door. I opened it up to see Chase and the gang, "Hey! Welcome!" I hugged Chase before waving at the rest of them, "Nice to see you all again."

"Thanks for inviting us" Tyler smiled as he walked in.

"Yes ma'lady, thank you very much for the invitation" Ivan smiled and kissed the back of my hand.

"Oh, wow, erm, thanks" I stuttered, unsure how to take him. I closed the door and looked at Chase, "He's a little weird isn't he?"

"You'll get use to him" Chase laughed as he put his arm around my shoulders and we walked to the drinks.

He passed me some punch and we watched everyone laugh, dance and have a good time. It was nice to see all of Tristins friends about; he did have a lot.

"Come on, let's dance" Chase smiled, placing our drinks on the table and pulling me to the dance floor.

"I don't really dance" I sighed as we got to some space on the floor.

"It's a slow song, it's easy" Chase took me by the waist and I placed mine round his neck. "See. You're a natural" he smiled looking me up and down, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

Chase and I stayed there dancing in each others arms. It felt lovely being there with him. He took my hand and twirled me around a little bit, making me giggle. He pulled me back into his arms, holding me closer than before, and leaning in. Our lips inches apart, "Can I kiss you?" Chase whispered as he moved closer.

"If you don't, I'll kiss you" I smiled as I leaned in the rest of the way. Our lips touched making my stomach flutter. Oh my God I'm actually kissing him! Wow, this is so...

"What's going on?" I pulled away and saw Tristin staring at us.

"Tristin this is Chase, Chase this is Tristin my brother."

"Erm, happy birthday" Chase smiled as he let go of my waist and stood next to me.

"Thanks" he looked between the two of us before continuing, "Behave" he said while looking at Chase. He slowly walked off, looking behind his shoulder at the two of us before disappearing in to another room.

"He's a bit scary" Chase rubbing the back of his neck while looking at the floor.

"He's fine honestly. Just a little protective" I took him round the neck again and pulled him close. I kissed him again and the butterflies were back. A second kiss and butterflies still? I'm listening...

So it was about here that I changed my mind with where this story was going :) it's was a Heckyl/Chase love story but now just Chase....who knows, I may change my mind again.... ;)

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now