2 - Date Number One

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We walked for a while until we arrived at a stream with a picnic blanket set out on the grass verge and a basket. "Wow" I smiled as I looked over to Heckyl, "Did you do this?"

"Yeah. I thought it would be quite nice" he took me over to the blanket and we sat down. "So, why the Power Rangers?" Heckyl asked as he took out two drinks from the basket and some little nibbley food, "Why are you writing the blog?"

"I've seen what they do, how they save people and I just find it so amazing. They put their lives on the line to help all of us little people and they do it without a second thought. They're just amazing" I beamed as I opened my drink and took some food.

"I guess. But did we even ask for them?"

"You don't ask for a hero, they just turn up when you need them. That's what makes a hero. Someone doesn't go out to be one, it just happens." I looked out to the stream as the sun started to set, making the stream look magical in the fading light.

"If you could ask them any question, what would it be?"

"Why have you kept it a secret for so long?" I looked back to him and smiled, "because I will tell the world who they are. We all deserve to know."

"Surely them being hidden keeps an air of mystery to them?"

"Yeah, but we don't need that. Everyone wants to know, so why not give the people what they want?" I took a sip of my drink before talking again, "Anyway, enough about me and the Power Rangers. What about you? What fills your day?"

Heckyl looked down to the blanket, rubbing the back of his neck before looking over to the stream and watching a duck wash in the slow water, "Ah, not much" he turned back to me before continuing, "I live a rather boring life. Work with my parents on a farm and don't do much else. It keeps me busy"

"A farm, hey? Bet that's interesting. Do you have animals?"

"A few sheep, pigs, cows. Two horses" he said as I continued to munch on the snacks he had brought with him, "It's not a big farm really. Mainly crops."

We continued to talk and eat as the sun disappeared and the moon came out. We gathered the things together after a while and Heckyl walked me back home.

"Thank you for a lovely night" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Thank you for the lovely company."

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "Goodnight" he said goodnight back and I walked in. I beamed to my mum who was just about to go up to bed herself.

"Good date?" she was wearing her purple dressing gown and fluffy green slippers, the combo did not go at all. But it went well with her personality; completely loopy.

"Very" I smiled and turned the lights off, following my mum up the stairs, "And I have another one tomorrow. With a different guy"

"Oh look at you. Don't tell your brother" she winked as she opened her bedroom door.

"I won't, night" I blew her a kiss before going into my own room, getting changed and ready for bed before snuggling down in bed.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now