Chapter 1

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Hello everyone who's reading this!!~ This is my first book so please cut me some slack if it sucks ass okay? If anyone has ideas or good 'constructive criticism' then please go ahead and comment your thoughts.
This is a BoyxBoy story if you couldn't already tell from the title and tags, so if that's not what you're into then feel free to find something else to read.

Anyway, I really want to know what you guys think about this so let me know okay!!~


I place one box on top of another one before running back outside to the truck parked in front of the building. Damn, I should've gotten someone to come help me move from my old place. I thought I could handle it fine myself, but I never realized just how much stuff I owned till now. The books are probably the worst though, not only are they the heaviest boxes but then I had to manage to move three bookcases alone. Not a fun experience. 

Not that the weight was the issue, the bookcases aren't all that heavy to be honest, it was just awkward to maneuver them around without help. I had enough muscles from constantly swimming and doing kickboxing for five years, the bookcases didn't feel all that heavy or anything. I'm not ripped I'll admit, but you could definitely tell I had muscles. I don't know how much of the muscle is due to sports and how much of it is due to me being a werewolf though. Before I was turned into a werewolf I was pretty chubby, to say the least, but as to be expected of a little kid who enjoyed his treats.

When I get back to the truck and grab another box out of the back I feel small little drops of water fall onto my arms. I look up at the dark clouds as the sprinkling water hits my face.

"Shit, of course it has to rain," I think as I quickly put the box in my arms onto the floor inside by the rest of the boxes I've carried inside already. I quickly run back outside and hurry to try and get the majority of my things inside before the rain starts pouring down.

After about six more boxes it was now pouring rain. I brush my dark ash hair, which was wet and sticking to my forehead, off of my face and tuck some of it behind my ear. My amber eyes flick over the remaining boxes and furniture in the moving truck. All that's left was a bookshelf, a bag of blankets, a mirror, and two boxes of kitchen supplies. I picked up the two boxes and quickly walked into my small kitchen. Thank goddess that wolves have more strength then normal humans, if not then moving on my own would be impossible.

This isn't the first time I've moved, or even the third to be honest. I've lost count of how many times I've moved. Lucky for me most people don't give a damn about a teenage boy moving around or constantly switching schools. 

You'd think I'd learn over time and stop collecting so much stuff since I have to keep moving it with me from place to place. Well, usually I did keep that in mind. Usually. The last apartment I'd been in for about two years before I was found out. And by found out I mean I could tell the local pack knew there was a rogue wolf in their territory, they had narrowed the location to approximately where I was living. Naturally in that situation, I left. I didn't want to cause trouble for them in the first place and didn't want them bothering me, plus it's probably safer for me to leave on my own then wait for them to catch up to me.

I don't belong to a pack, and I never officially have been. Since I've never officially been in a pack before I don't conciser myself a rogue, which are usually wolves kicked out or exiled from their packs for doing something.  Because of this I've adapted the term 'lone wolf', I originally heard the term from a traveling wolf and he explained it as a singular wolf who travels around yet is still welcomed by packs. The title suits my situation much better then a rogue and it sounds nicer to say you're a lone traveler then an exiled criminal. 

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