Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of something moving nearby. I notice it's extremely bright when I try to open my eyes. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard the movement again and then a clicking sound. 

"What the hell? Is a light shorting?" I was trying to remember if I had left a light on when all the previous nights events come flooding back to me. I opened my eyes wide and jerked my head up.

To my surprise I was staring right back at a rabbit. I looked at it a minute, and it just looked back at me. After a couple second in a staring contest it decided I wasn't going to do anything and ran off. The wheels in my head started turning. "So someone was following me home, they busted my door after I locked it, beat the crap out of me, I stabbed him with something, I was leaning on the door then I...shifted? Okay, so, I shifted for the second time since I was bitten and even though I hurt like hell I managed to get away from the lunatic somehow." 

I tested to see if I could stand up. I winced at the pain shooting through my leg and decided to sit down and check the damage. There are a couple shards of dark glass still in my leg, and it's twisted a bit unnaturally. There's blood covering my fur on the leg, along with blood down my back and shoulder. Seeing myself in wolf form is going to take some getting used to. "Anyway, I'm a....Puppy? Well this is what I looked like last time I shifted too, but at that point I figured I was a pup since I was only a kid. Other people my age are full grown wolves but they've all been full bloods, I think. Maybe it's something to do with the fact I wasn't born like this."

I take in the feeling of being a small dog. Everything looks much bigger, but also much brighter and happier. The colours around me are brighter and I can hear squirrels in the trees nearby. I look around in amazement at this new world around me, it's so much different from when I'm in human form. If I wasn't hurt this would be so much cooler. "Ah, right, I'm still really hurt."

I notice that the pain isn't nearly as bad as it was last night. I test all my paws and to my surprise my wrist from the night before was completely fine. "I was sure I at least twisted my wrist when I landed on it last night. I couldn't even put pressure on it and when I was running in this form the only thing that kept me going was adrenaline and the fear of being raped then murdered. How am I not screaming in pain?"

I sit there amazed while testing the pain in my legs. "Conall told me werewolves heal faster then people do, but I've never gotten to taste that luxury before now. Though I won't complain, it's not like I want to still have a broken wrist or anything."

I think back to the conversations I had with my only friend at Northpass. He's also one of the only werewolves that hasn't tried to kill me or throw me in wolf prison or whatever they call it. Conall and I are the same age, our birthdays are only a couple weeks apart and we celebrated them both together when I was living in Northpass. His parents were both members of the local pack and he was born into the pack himself. Not to my surprise he hated it there. His pack was a lot like the one I was held captive in, just not as bad. He hated the way omegas were treated like maids instead of pack members. He had told me that the Alpha and Betas sons were constantly sleeping with everyone in the area, human and otherwise. We had both been waiting for them to get some poor soul pregnant and watch the aftermath of it all. Conall and I bonded over how much we disliked packs and how they treated people. I guess I only had a normal dislike for them, but even though I don't want to admit it the last pack I was forced to stay with has scarred me. Conall says that my 'hate' is a bit different and that I actually have a fear of them so to speak. I didn't want to agree with him but we both know it's true.

The first time I met Conall he was on the ground in one of the school bathroom stalls bleeding profusely. The whole stall was covered in blood, which I actually never cleaned up since I forgot.  Conall seemed to have been being bullied by both the jerks at school and fellow pack members. I could smell the other wolves on him and made my own assumptions as to what happened.  Since I'm not a heartless bastard I had picked him up and carried him to my place. The apartment I was staying at in Northpass was fairly close to the school so I walked over with him in my arms. I would've just taken him to the nurse but I didn't want any of his pack members to find him. When we were at my apartment I had tried to clean him up a bit but he had regained consciousness at that point and wasn't having any of it. I lost my patience and told him that even though he's a werewolf that doesn't mean he could just be all macho and go untreated, even werewolves injuries can get infected. He had been so surprised I knew he was a werewolf and instantly accused me of being a rogue after his pack."Look if I wanted to kill you I would've done it when you were unconscious in the literal bloody bathroom stall." I had told him. "Well then why don't you explain what I'm doing here, what're your motives for bringing me here?" He had said glaring at me. "YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS IN A BLOODY BATHROOM STALL FOR GODDESS'S SAKE, DO YOU WANT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR OPEN INJURIES TO GET INFECTED?!" I yelled at him. He had thought about that for a second before agreeing with me, but he still wouldn't let me touch his wounds. I had to pretty much tell him my life story before he would let me help him. After that we had become instant friends and were joined at the hip. We spent every second we could together since we were practically each others only friends.

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