Chapter 23

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Had an exam today, only one more leffttttt!! Here's an update since I love you guys!~


I drop my tired body on the couch and throw my arm over the side carelessly. Conall comes and flops down beside me almost the same time I sit down. Ever since we came back to the packhouse everything's been chaotic. Alpha Caleb isn't in the best of moods right now with both the hunters appearing on his territory and with another lone wolf, Conall, making his way in unseen. People have been running around, asking us questions, and yelling at each other for the past hour and a bit. Thankfully, it seems like the worst of it is over now. Alpha just got off the phone with someone and has told us all to meet in here so we can finally discuss Conall's situation. I'm not too worried since after we came back to the packhouse, and after I actually turned my phone on, I read the text messages Conall sent me regarding why he was coming here in the first place. Nobody else knows what's going on but I'm sure they're about to find out.

I rest my head on Conall's shoulder and close my eyes letting out a sigh, I haven't been getting much sleep lately and being with Conall again is making me start to finally feel it. Conall lays his head down on top of mine. I'm naturally more relaxed with Conall then anyone else. He's been the only friend I've had for years, so it's only natural I can lower my guard with him. We were practically inseparable back at Northpass and I didn't realize just how much I missed being with him until now.

The sound of footsteps brings me out of my tranquil state causing my eyelids to flick open. I stiffen and am about to sit up when Conall pushes me back down onto him. His hand rests on my head forcing me to keep it on his shoulder when he softly whispers, "Shh, calm down. They're not going to kick you out right now okay. They have no reason to attack you either. I can feel how exhausted you are, okay. Just lay down." His voice is soft and low enough that only I am able to hear him. I feel myself relax again but I keep my eyes open as the room starts filling with people. Watching them all as they come through the door.

Both Conall and I are sitting on a small couch and the parents of the group go and sit down on the larger couch across from us. Everyone else finds themselves a space to get comfortable in after they all come in. My eyes flick from person to person, almost everyone is giving Conall and I strange or surprised looks.

Beta Reed looks around the room before speaking, "I think that's everyone then."

Alpha Caleb takes another look around before agreeing with him, "I agree. Now then Conall, I've been told your name is, why don't you start explaining to us why you're on my pack territory?

I feel Conall smile against the top of my head, "There are actually a few reasons for that sir, one of them being that Carmine hadn't been answering his phone for a few days. I knew he moved here and we had been talking for a while before he suddenly stopped replying, knowing him and his situation I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Jacklyn, Caleb's wife, smiles at him brightly, "I take it you're one of Carmine's friends then? I mean I assume so given the position you two are in right now. He doesn't let anyone near him like that and he seems to be much more relaxed than normal.

"I'm right here," I grumble to myself and I feel Conall hold back a snicker, I'm sure he knows what just went through my head since we both think about the same way.

"Yes, Ma'am. Carmine and I are honestly brothers from another mother at this point," Conall answers and I smirk. That's true. Back at Northpass we were often mistaken for siblings. Conall and I thought it was fun so we eventually just stopped correcting people.

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