Chapter 31

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Here's an update for you guys, Harrison's birthday is here! Some interesting things happen lol It's not much but it's what I got for now, I'm more focusing for the main events which are coming up ;)

Like always, please point out errors for me since I know I missed some. I also feel like the chapter may have glitched but we shall see.


"Regan can you go round the stragglers up please, we're about to start eating," I hear my mother ask through our link as I toss some more wood into a pile for the bonfire tonight.

I take my gloves off and wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans, "Yeah no problem, I'll go around real quick."

Harrison's birthday so far has been exciting for everyone involved. Some of us who are closer to Harrison did gifts and birthday wishes early this morning, we knew once people started arriving everything would be crazy. There are so many packs coming to come to see Reece turn eighteen that we still worked preparing and entertaining all day long. Some of the packs started arriving as early today as eight am so we had to make a big breakfast for them along with the visiting family members and our normal pack. Harrison, of course, was told he wasn't allowed to do any work or helping today. He did try on several different occasions to try and help out though I told him to go sit down and stop worrying about things. It's not in his nature to sit still when there's work to be done, and he always likes helping out with whatever he can. It was such a task that Luna even asked some of the visiting pack members to go keep him busy so he's not fretting over us for hours on end.

Since Harrison is an alpha and is turning eighteen, he's supposed to be greeting and welcoming everyone who shows up. Alpha is with him for the most part of course, but now is the time for Harrison to get even more of a look into what his dad does on a daily basis and during occasions. I've seen him all throughout the day talking with different people he either didn't know or hadn't seen in a long time as though they were good friends. Reece and I did talk a bit during the day since I wanted to check up on him and see how he's doing. Even though he's doing things under his parent's orders in a way, I'm still his best friend and as his beta so I always put him first. If there was any indication he was uneasy, reaching his limit, unnerved, tired, or upset I would instantly get him out of that situation or help him, however, I could. Of course, I do respect his parents, but our bond together is different then the bond he has with Alpha and Luna. From experience, I know they wouldn't mind so much if I pulled him out of whatever they told him to do, or even took the situation over myself. I've done it a few different times since we've gotten old and let me tell you, my father was proud as all hell.

That being said Harrison has been doing great throughout the day by talking to people and doesn't seem to mind the required socialization at all. I've also had my fair share of talking to incoming people, but I've also been working on getting ready for the speech, bonfire, and dinner tonight. We asked everyone coming to bring some sort of food item so we don't have to gather food for like sixty different packs who are showing up. We don't even know how many people from each pack are coming so this is more convenient. Some of the people coming even asked us what to bring and Luna said if they couldn't decide on what to bring then to just get some burgers to cook since that's the main course. I've seen people coming with boxes of burgers and buns, to massive jello dishes, some sort of green liquid drink, and a hundred bags of chips. With the amount of people who've shown up, I'm really thankful everyone's bringing something to our tables. There is no way we would be able to feed such a large group with what we originally prepared. Not that we wouldn't do it, the pack budget is well thought out and we could always run to the store and grab extras.

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