Chapter 32

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HAAAIIII SUCCCKKKEEERRRSSS!!! GUESS WHO ACTUALLY GOT OFF HER ASS TO WRITE!?!?! Can you guess?? Can you, can you really???? Can you guess? Are you sure you're correct, just think for a second.....MMMMEEEEEEEE!! 
Also can I just say that I am abso-freaking-lutely LOVING all the comments I'm seeing on my chapters!! I love the fact you guys are fangirling and coming up with theories along with talking amongst each other. I smile when I see them all the time ^-^ Keep being awesome you guys!~ I luuvvvv youuu!!~~ 


I look around at the shirts I have on hangers before pulling out a grey T-shirt. It's a plain styled one with triangles in the corner that make it seem nicer then just a straight grey shirts. After shrugging the shirt on I head to my bathroom to finish getting ready.  It's a school day again and since Harrison's birthday celebrations are done everyone has to stop skipping school, though I'm sure we'll just start skipping again when Regan's birthday rolls around. You'd think with the number of days we're missing that there'd be consequences but no. The reason for that is that the school is practically run by members of the pack, so they understand we don't have a choice about skipping occasionally. I will say it's handy since I don't need to do any makeup classes and the lessons on the days I missed weren't extremely important therefor I'm not behind.

After brushing my teeth, I look at my slightly fluffy looking hair, I didn't dry it before going to bed last night so it's all over the place now. With a groan I put my hairbrush under the faucet to get it wet, then run it through my hair in the hopes of toning down the craziness. I look in the mirror again and huff, knowing my hair is most likely going to be super wavy and curly later on. Whatever, it's better than having poofy and crazy bed hair.

A knock sounds through my room and I walk out of the bathroom to open my bedroom door, Conall is standing on the other side with an old school bag on his shoulder. He smiles at me and walks right into my room without asking. If it was anyone else I would probably toss them back out and slam the door in their face for not asking first, but not him. We're close enough that he doesn't have to ask, especially right now. Since Harrison's birthday I've been sticking to Conall like glue. Thankfully he doesn't mind at all and understands how I'm feeling or what I need without me saying it out loud.

Conall goes and sits down on my bed, his backpack beside him. "I knew you'd be up early," he says with a smile and crosses his legs. "I just got up and grabbed whatever to wear but I had a feeling you'd already be up so I came here instead of staying in my room. Oh by the way, do you know the wifi password here? Nicholas said something about the pack having high-speed unlimited internet."

I reach out and take his phone from him to connect it, "Yeah, I woke up earlier and cleaned up a bit before getting ready to go."

"Cleaned up what? You don't have much here you know," Conall says taking a look around my room. I have my bookcases along one wall, two boxes of kitchen supplies under my bed, some more random boxes in the corner by the door, the dresser which was already in the room along with the small side table, a small lamp on the side table, and a glass bowl beside the lamp where I have all my scent charms and different miscellaneous pieces of jewelry I've collected. Overall the room is pretty bare and doesn't look much like the other rooms where you can tell someone is living in them.

"Shut up, you know I don't own much in the first place," I say with a scowl, handing him back his phone. "If you had brought all your things from Northpass I bet you'd fill up two whole rooms, you're like a hoarder I swear."

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