Chapter 33

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Hai! Looky, an update already!! I know, you guys just got one update and now here's another one!! Isn't it great lolol I'm seriously spoiling you guys. And while I'm on the subject my friendzies RuneArcher has helped me with some of the PR so thanks so much girlie hehehe 

I guess part of it has to do with the fact once the semester starts I'm not sure how much writing I'll get done. More exciting stuff is coming up and I really really reeeaaallly want to start writing it.  


I soon found out who the person Conall called was. When both of us were waiting outside for the ride he requested I spotted a white Porsche Panamera coming up to where we were sitting. When the car stopped in front of us Conall jumped up with a smile, pulling me along with him. He didn't even wait but just walked quickly to the door and opened it then got in the back seat. Naturally, I followed in the back instead of taking the front seat and closed the door after me before checking just who exactly it was he called. Luna. Of freaking course he called the Alpha's wife. Why wouldn't he?

Jacklyn glances back at us in the rearview mirror and gives me a smile. "Hello dear, Conall called and explained a bit of what's going on. Don't worry he didn't spill much, I know how reserved you are so I wouldn't press for details."

I mentally glare at Conall, "Sorry for bothering you, Ma'am."

She laughs as the car leaves the school parking lot, "Don't worry about it Carmine, I was just coming back from meeting someone in Caister anyway. There's no way I would be driving this pretty thing around out here."

"Well thank you for coming to pick us up," I say and rub my nose a bit as I give a small sniffle. I try to keep as quiet as possible so she won't notice but I know it's pretty much useless since she's got werewolf hearing anyway. I'm still calming down from my emotional moment earlier and I don't think it's over yet, just postponed for now.

"My one hope is that I don't break down the second we get to the pack house, please I beg the Goddess above that it waits until I get to my room," I send silent prayer to the Moon Goddess.

"Like I said, don't worry about it," She says looking back at me again before starting a conversation with Conall. They both talk happily, and I wonder when they both got so close to each other. It's not exactly normal for an omega and the Luna of a pack to just be casually talking like this, especially since Conall and Jacklyn haven't known each other long. I guess it doesn't matter though, in this situation I should just be grateful they're close enough that Conall and I get a free ride back to the pack house.

I lean my head against the window and stare at the sky thinking while the two of them talk. I know both can tell I don't want to be involved in the conversation so thankfully they don't ask me any questions or try to bring me into what they're talking about. The ride is pretty peaceful with the sounds of the calm car and both of them speaking.

My head throbs a bit and I rub my nose as I start thinking about my situation again. It's obvious that I shouldn't think too hard about it until we get back, but just thinking about the pros and cons could help me come to a decision or sort out my thoughts. My train of thought drifts off into remembering all that's been happening since I've come to the pack house. Different memories such as witnessing the random water fights between Harrison, Nicholas, and Regan, watching Bree, Andrea, and Maya take photos with glitter bombs, Loriene letting me decide what desserts to have on certain nights, playing tag in the dark during a bonfire, hearing everyone's stupid jokes and comments at lunch even though I didn't want to be there. The memories drift to the fun Conall and I have had since we're finally able to be carefree here instead of constantly looking over our shoulders for someone wanting to do us harm. It's also nice for Conall and me to be living in the same place instead of having to catch public transit just to meet up, we're able to just walk around for three minutes and find ourselves in the others bedroom.

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