Chapter 18

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Looky who's updating aggaaiinnn~~~ 


A sharp pain registers in my head which then makes me aware of the soreness and fatigue taking over my body. An obnoxious mechanical beeping sound reaches me and I immediately wish I hadn't noticed it. My eyelids are refusing to open no matter how much I try, It's honestly quite annoying since I have no idea what is going on. I can't see, hell I can't even move.

More pain courses through my entire body which makes me suddenly very aware of the burning ache in my side. A gasp of pain tries to leave my mouth but instead, it makes my sore throat worse. I squeeze my eyes tight before taking a deep breath through my nose to calm down. I do this a few times to try and calm my rapidly beating heart, after I've calmed myself down so I'm no longer on the verge of panicking I force my heavy eyelids open. I regret it immediately as an extremely bright blur practically burns my eyes causing me to shut them closed tightly again.

My eyes flutter open and closed a few times to get adjusted to the brightness of the room. I find myself staring at an oddly white and pristine looking ceiling.

"This sure as all hell isn't my bedroom." My eyes dart around the room as I try to piece together what's happening. My arms start shaking underneath the weight of holding me up, a few cracking sounds come from my joints and I bite my lip at how sore my body is.

"Where the hell a-" Before I can finish my thought, a door to my left that I hadn't noticed before opens. A familiar woman walks in with her head down reading something on a clipboard. When she glances up and sees me she rushes over to the bed I'm on.

"Glad to see you awake Carmine, are you in pain anywhere?" She asks me concerned while checking different tubes and drips attached to me. Which, by the way, I also didn't notice until now.

I try to speak but the pain in my throat once again stops me, I cringe at the pain and the woman must have seen this as she quickly walks over to her desk before handing me an open water bottle. I gratefully take the bottle before suddenly realizing she said my name, a memory surfaces and my face pales once I remember where I know her from.

I stop drinking when she moves and I stare at her in full alert. Davan, the pack doctor who took care of me before when the girls brought me in puppy from here. Wait. I take in the room quickly and see I'm in the same infirmary as last time.

One thought runs through my mind, "Oh shit."

"Is that better? Now, where are you feeling pain?" Davan asks me with a smile.

I take another drink of water without breaking eye contact "Where isn't there pain?"

She lets out a laugh before handing me a few pills, "I'm going to take that as you are feeling mostly okay then." I quickly down the pills with my water. She starts writing things down on her clipboard while checking me over. I let her do what she wants since I know I am not able to put up a good fight right now. Though I don't take my eyes off her, just in case.

As she carefully peels off the bandages on my side I see a line of stitches.

"Those are new," I huff to myself humorlessly. 

Davan hums the whole time she inspects my stitches then nods her head approvingly at them. She glances up at me and smiles before going over to her desk and grabbing a few things. When she comes back she starts cleaning the area around the stitches, it stings a bit but I make sure not to show it.

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