Chapter 36

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Ayyy looky who's updating for you lovely folks!~ Wattpad has been having some issues on my school laptop recently where it's super slow when typing and it also doesn't save any centring or italics. So yeah that sucks. This chapter is also super rough like the last one so it will be edited later on.

Love you all! Hugs and kisses!! Hope you all have a good day/night!~


"Just a bit more this way Regan!" The person holding the other end of the table calls. I nod and keep walking in the directions he nodded to, we set the wood table down a good distance from the rapidly growing bonfire before dusting off our dirty hands. "That should be good now, we have enough seats for everyone. I don't know how much more food the ladies are planning on bringing out but I think the two tables should be good enough."

"Alright," I say with a smile, "You go enjoy yourself then."

The man gives me a smirk, "And let you finish the work on your birthday? Nah, I'd rather not."

A chuckle escapes me, "Don't worry about it honestly. Everything is almost set up anyway, there are just a few more small things then I'll relax too. Go, you're our guest anyway," He goes to protest but stops when I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Alright Beta," He says with a teasing tone, "Whatever you say."

I watch as the man goes off to find some others from his group before I head back to the packhouse for more supplies.

My birthday up till now has been full of surprises, formalities, old friends, food, and lots of birthday cards. In comparison to the event thrown for Harrison, my celebration is more toned down and informal. While Harrison had many more formalities to deal with, I have my own fair share of them. Luckily for me, most of the people I have to greet are ones I more or less know. Even if I've only met them a few times they're still familiar.

Besides going to do formal matters alongside my father, I've gotten to have time with friends both old and new. A bunch of the teenagers who I knew decided to ditch their groups earlier, they made a 'kids table' with all of us in one long line. Of course, I was missing from the line at lunch, and everybody noticed, but after a briefly vague explanation they didn't mind.

Now the day is coming to an end and it's already dark enough that the bugs are swarming. As a tradition, the bonfire pit was prepped then stocked for the long night ahead of us. Thankfully we still had enough wood left over from Harrison's birthday that nobody had to collect more, that would've been a pain. Now we're finishing setting up for the fire. The tables are mostly set up, and all of the chairs have been put out around the fire pit so people will be able to sit and enjoy themselves.

When I get to the packhouse doors I spot Nicholas coming out with a basket full of S'more supplies. "Guess all we're missing is the alcohol then."

My Mom suddenly comes around the corner with another plastic clothes basket chock full of glass bottles. "Yep, and this is the stuff we're putting out first."

I look over the bottles for a second before glancing up at her. "No cans tonight?"

"Oh, Harrison and Forze just brought them out for me. They should be putting them beside the table now. Anyway, just go ahead and set these up anywhere. Conall is just grabbing extra cups and some ground lights for us then we're good to go," She says happily.

"Alright, thanks!" I say and make my way back to the table.

Due to our regenerative factor, werewolves aren't able to get drunk or get a buzz from normal alcohol. Certain shifters and supernatural species have spent years figuring out and refining different mixes which are strong enough to work on us. We've been able to disguise our drinks like a very high-quality brand of alcohol so people won't get suspicious. The potency of our liquor is very different from what people are used to drinking and therefore you have to get it from specialized groups. We have our ways to make sure no normal humans are able to get their hands on it, and there are also whole committees in place to make sure certain species don't get fooled by others into drinking something which could cause them harm. An example of this would be certain kinds of alcohol for werewolves can be poisonous for vampires. There's also a brand of tonic for warlocks which has a version of something like a hybrid catnip in it which can cause compilations with werecats and other species which are sensitive to catnip. In the end, it takes much more work than just walking into the nearest store for us to get our hands on good liquor so when it comes out most people take full advantage of it.

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