Chapter 17

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Remember when I said I wasn't going to upload for a while? Hahaha...Scratch that. Not updating is boring Xb This chapter could most likely use a lot of work, but I feel like publishing it so I am


I stand with my arms crossed biting my lip, Harrison is right across from me doing the same thing I am. He's more agitated and anxious. Nicholas is shifting from one foot to the other to my left, Andrea is tapping her foot from beside Harrison, and both Maya and Bree are sitting on the floor against the wall with each other. Davan had just kicked us out of the room after announcing she needed to operate on Carmine. She had one of her assistants with her along with her husband so at least we know Carmine is in good hands. Though that wasn't stopping us from being anxious.

All of us are seriously worried, werewolves are supposed to heal quickly but obviously, that trait is absent in Carmine. On a normal werewolf, his injuries would have already started healing themselves. All he would need is an IV and some TLC and a few hours and he would be as good as new. However, none of his injuries were closing at the right speed. He was losing blood too fast. I did not examine his injuries myself but from what I could tell from a glance, they were dangerous. Davan seemed stressed when she got a good look at him. That is never a good sign. Thankfully if anyone can help him it's Davan. By the sounds of it, she has worked on him when the girls brought him for the first time.

The poor guy, he never seems to get a break. When the girls had him last they said he was covered in glass and had gashes all over his body, he also was super tired and had a sore wrist so he must have been through hell. Then there is whatever happened to him earlier, the reason behind the blood on his shoes. I can only imagine what might have happened then. And now this, fighting with a rogue when he was about three times smaller than it.

I straighten up as the sound of multiple pounding footsteps bounces throughout the almost deserted packhouse. From the sounds of them, I can tell that two of the people are the Alpha and Dad. Harrison heard it a split second after me since he jumped up into a tense standing position.

He didn't need to connect to our mind link for me to know what is going through his head. Nicholas and I blame ourselves for Carmine getting hurt like I'm sure anyone would in our situation. If we were just a bit faster or pushed a bit harder maybe he wouldn't have gotten so injured. However, Harrison is an alpha and in a way, Carmine was part of his small inner pack, at the least he was someone in pack territory. Harrison has more of a need to keep everyone safe and keep there from being conflicts, right now he is feeling ten times worse than the rest of us are. 

I lay my hand reassuringly on his shoulder, "You did everything perfectly okay, Carmine was hurt when we got there. Relax, they're coming to help us." Harrison lets out a shaky breath. He gives me a thankful look right before our dads come into sight.

"What's going on?" Alpha demands loudly as he comes closer. My dad is right beside him with both my Mother, our Luna, and the Delta Casey.

"Carmine is in surgery right now. Harrison got in a fight with the rogue and was hurt too, though he's already mostly healed," I answer without hesitation.

Alpha looks over Harrison in concern, making sure he is really alright. After deciding that his son is fine Alpha looks back up to me. "What happened and why do I smell another wolf on you all?"

"Dennis went rogue around the school and was going to attack Bree and Maya, Carmine got there first and fought him off until we got there. Carmine had a disadvantage though due to his wolves form and got seriously hurt, hence why he's in with Davan right now," Harrison says and everyone who just got here looks shocked so he tells them in full detail everything that happened. He includes what the girls told us about Carmine being at the pack house before and what Bree and Maya said happened before we all got outside. Everyone besides Luna asks questions throughout the tale. They all look both surprised and concerned as Harrison finishes speaking.

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