Chapter 10

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I wake up in daze while trying to figure out what's going on. The room is filled with the smell of werewolves which is closely followed by the strong smell of roses. My ears twitch at the sound of female voices and people moving around me. I struggle to open my eyes and blink a couple times to let my eyes adjust to the bright room. From the smells in the room I'm guessing all the girls slept here in Andrea's room last night. They all seem to be getting ready to go somewhere now.

Maya notices me first and comes closer to scratch my head. "Hey buddy, we're just going on a quick walk. We'll be back in about an hour okay, so you need to stay here quietly for us until we come back. Erin saved some cornbread for you so we put it beside the water bowl in the corner." 

I watch as Bree comes out of the bathroom and smiles at me. "Look who's awake! We'll be back in a bit to play with you again okay? Try not to make too much noise." 

Andrea sticks her head through the bedroom door and yells "Come on guys, you're taking forever."

Both Maya and Bree kiss me on the top of my head before rushing out the door, closing it as they leave. I sit on Andrea's bed and take in everything that's happened to me in the past 24 hours. 

After a couple minutes I scrunch up my nose "Wow, they love me so much yet they ditch me at-" I take a look at Andrea's clock beside her bed and stare in shock "at six am! It's the weekend! In what universe do teenagers happily get up and out of bed at six am on a weekend?! That's it, they're all insane."

I yawn and stretch my legs, testing my injured leg carefully. "Looks like I healed decently well, the pain is pretty much gone now." I get up and shake my fur before jumping off the bed into a pile of pillows on the floor. I walk over to the bowls Maya pointed out to me before she left and happily inhale the cornbread. After finishing a decent amount of the water I'm pretty much fully awake now. 

I really need to get home somehow, the Alpha comes back today and it sounds like the pack house is more lively then it was yesterday. Just as I'm trying to figure out a way to leave the room I hear footsteps approaching the door. I hide under a chair as whoever it is knocks, then opens the door. A woman with a laundry basket walks calmly into the room and unpacks some clothes from the basket and puts them on Andrea's bed. As soon as her back is fully turned to me I run out of the room as quietly as possible, I fully expected her to turn since the sound of my nails scratching the wooden floor was loud enough that any werewolf would be able to hear it. However she didn't seem to come after me and I run full speed down the stairs the girls carried me up yesterday. The house is definitely more active today but thankfully they're all making enough clatter that nobody pays attention to me.

"This is going almost to well..." I think to myself as I hide under a couch for someone to pass me. After a couple minutes of playing mission impossible I spot the a door that looks like it leads outside. I hide beside a bookshelf and watch people pass me while talking to each other. I spot a younger boy hauling a black garbage back who's heading for the door I need to go through. As he goes through I slip out after him before the door can close.

I quickly dash to the forest, hoping nobody spots me while I'm running. After I feel like I'm a safe distance away from the pack house I stop to catch my breath. 

"I cannot believe I slipped out of a pack house that easily without being caught." I huff to myself almost laughing. I start heading deeper into the forest before I realize something and let out a wine. "The girls drove me here after they found me in a forest, I was asleep the entire time which means I have absolutely no idea where I am now..."

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