Chapter 7

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Hai Hai!~ Just thought I'd say if you see a spelling or punctuation mistake, please let me know. I reread my drafts so much that I get used to seeing stuff and don't catch everything. ^-^
Annnyywhhooo, go back to reading. Hope you enjoy!~


I woke up to the sound of car doors closing and then I felt myself being moved. I open my eyes to see Maya holding me except now I'm wrapped up in a polar fleece sweater. She notices me looking around and smiles, "Hey cutie, you were shivering really bad, so we used Bree's sweater to keep you warm."

I look around and see a massive building in front of me. It was much bigger than the pack houses I've seen in before. I can't even imagine how many people must live here. The sheer amount of different wolves that filled the air made me anxious. I could tell there were a couple humans in the mix, but wolves were definitely the more predominant of the two.

"Shit, of course they're taking me to the pack house." I think panicking slightly. I'm too exhausted to be fully aware of my current situation. I look up at the building and memories from my last experience in a pack house come flooding through my mind. I shake my head and try to push the memories back as I feel the panic rising. "Shut up shut up Carmine! You don't have lasting fear from what they did to you. Don't give them the fucking satisfaction of scarring your mind for life. Nothing that they did can still effect you, focus on what's going on right now. Focus on your breathing. Focus on what's around you right now."

I shake my head again and close my eyes, taking in the surrounding smells. I identify each one of them silently and take deep breaths. After I've calmed myself down I look at my surroundings and watch as the three girls take me through a small door at the side of the house. We go down a couple different halls in the massive building, then go into a room with a white door. It was a white and grey room with a couple beds lined up along the walls. There were medical supplies all around the room, so I'm assuming it's a care unit or something.

To the left of the door we just walked through there was a taller woman with long chestnut hair wrapped in a bun. She had a long white coat on and was checking some things off on a paper by the desk. She looks up from her work as we walk in and smiles at us.

"Good afternoon girls, what can I do for you?" She says cheerfully. Bree casts her eyes down and Maya snuggled her nose into the fur on my head.

Andrea clears her throat, "Well, we were going through our normal trail and could smell a wolf we couldn't identify, along with blood. The smell was faint but strong in a way if that makes sense, so we decided it was a pup or omega and went looking for it. We found this little guy who looks like he got in a fight with a drunk, we were hoping you could help him out?

The woman looks at us all disapprovingly "You smelled an unknown wolf, and your first reaction was to look for it..." She shakes her head as she speaks.

Andrea kicked her shoes lightly then looks up, "Well it was faint and well in our territory, besides it smelled like it was hurt!" The woman sighs then gets up and holds out her hands. Maya hesitates before grudgingly and carefully handing me to her. The woman brought me over to her desk and uncovered me from the sweater. She inspects my leg and feels around my ribs for a bit. As she gets close to my leg I reflexively snap at her, she just smiles and keeps feeling around unbothered.

"Andrea can you get me the tweezers from over there and Bree can you get the white medical kit from the wall over there."

Both the girls did as they were asked and the woman starts pulling pieces of glass out of my fur and leg. Maya walks over to my face and massages my cheeks gently, "It's okay buddy, Davan has lots of practice with this kind of thing. It'll be over in a minute and I promise you'll feel a lot better after. A couple months ago, after one of the windows broke, I got glass all in my fur and back, so I know what you're feeling. I know it hurts a bit but trust me it'll feel a lot better after we're all done."

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