Chapter 40

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Not dead.
Decided to stop my tiny dragon hoarding tendencies.

Also hey I'm going to be in NYC for a while starting soon! Any readers from the area let me know the best coffee shops/hangout/unique food places! <3 (Or if yall just wanna let me know what the weather's been like that'd be great)


Nicholas and I finish tucking in the table clothes on the picnic tables moments before Erin places two large platters of food on top of them. While we could just have everyone grab food inside first, or even just have a barbecue, Mom decided a potluck would be more fun for everyone.

She overheard Carmine telling Conall he would rather eat outside, most likely to get away from everyone in my opinion, so she decided to just move the entire meal outside last minute. Both her and Luna have been scrambling to make today even a little bit special for him. Breakfast was crazy as everyone quickly found out it was his birthday, leaving things a hectic mess. Lunch was a bit better since it was more planned out, but it was still a bit to crazy for Carmines liking I could tell. So far though, it looks like dinner will be a lot easier. Not only will everyone be outside where there's plenty of room, but he can also go be by himself for a minute if needed.

Throughout the day Carmine seems to have gotten happier, but I don't want him to get overly stressed over something. We'd been walking together at one point after lunch and I didn't need a mind link to tell he was starting to overthink all of this. Before he could get to carried away, I told him we'll talk about the more smaller details later, today is just for him to have a break and let loose a bit.

"Reece if you take even one more of those, I'm chopping your hand off!" Andrea's voice rings from a few tables over. The three of us look over to see Harrison sprinting off with two biscuits in hand. He waves at us before darting into the house with a smirk.

"Someone's energetic," Nicholas comments with a puff. "Guess it's obvious who hasn't been helping at all. If he had been there's no way he would have the energy to taunt Andrea for hours on end."

Erin tilts her head, "Hey, you're right. I haven't seen him helping yet."

I wave my hand dismissively as my nose catches Carmine nearby. "Don't say anything until later, then he'll get stuck doing most of the cleaning while we're inside getting into our beds," Without waiting for a reply I jog over towards where Conall and Carmine are sitting. They're both on the ground facing each other.

Carmine turns his head to look at me and smiles when our eyes meet. A warming sensation starts in my chest the second his eyes met mine and I can't even try to hide the smile that comes out of nowhere. It's still unbelievable that I got so lucky as to have this hidden angel as my mate.

"Do you know when we're going to start eating?" Conall asks when I come to stand beside where they are.

I shake my head, "Nope, hopefully soon though since Harrison keeps stealing food."

He smiles, "I've noticed, what did you guys to do him to make him so hungry?"

"Not a clue, it's not like he's worked up an appetite with the rest of us."

Before we can say anything else a loud whistle sounds through the air, catching everyone's attention. In front of the two main tables stands our Alpha with his hand raised. "Alright everyone!" He says loudly enough that everyone can hear him clearly, "I know you're all anxious to get eating, my mouth has been watering for the past few minutes from the sheer smell of this delicious bounty. We're going to start from this side, cups and plates are here, then in a bit some desserts will come on out. Please don't take too much since we need more for me," A bunch of people laugh at the cheeky grin on his face before he corrects himself, "I mean, we need to make sure everyone gets a little of everything. Kids, you come on up first since we're feeling generous. Hurry up you little scoundrels before I take all the corn dogs for myself."

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