Chapter 41

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Why hello there everyone, tis I, the dragon who hoards their treasure. I present to you, an update...after like months of not updating. I could give you some BS excuse about being busy or unmotivated, but nah I just didn't want to update. (True to my dragon nature.) Anyway, enjoy! Let me know what you think and your thoughts about the story!~


Smoke rises as I finish extinguishing the fire, most of the mess from earlier picked up by now. We're just finishing with the trivial things like hidden plastic forks that are determined they want to give being a plant a try. Several stray pieces of broken plastic catch my attention and I stand up with a garbage bag to throw them away. To my left, I notice Harrison hauling the last table back indoors.

Since he didn't really help us set up dinner, Harrison got stuck with clean-up duty, to nobody's surprise. Naturally, the others helped at the start with bigger stuff, he just got stuck working longer. Originally, I was going to head inside with the rest of the group but, after Carmine gave the green light, I wanted to tell Harrison about my new-found mate as soon as possible. Since the two of us are going to keep the event on the down low for a while, I've been waiting for everyone to go inside in case someone overhears. I could just spill over the link, but I would rather tell him out loud, face to face. Plus, I thought it would seem a bit weird if someone else happened to notice his reaction while neither of us had spoken a word. Then again maybe not.

As I'm picking up the last shard of plastic, I hear the side door shut again. My head perks up and I see Harrison heading this direction. "Finally."

"I think we got everything, what about you?" He asks me after stopping a few feet away.

I can feel my excitement rising by the second and it takes everything I have not to blurt out the news in his face.

"Come here for a sec," I say with dry lips. Thank goodness my voice didn't crack or that would make this whole situation even more nerve-racking. My hands are shaking slightly, and I wipe my sweaty palms on my jean quickly to try and calm down.

He gives me a strange look, probably catching onto my nervous behavior. Within a few seconds, he's made his way directly beside me.

Nerves and excitement fight each other as I try to figure out what words to say. "This was way easier in my head," My lungs beg for another deep breath which I happily give. Excitement finally wins over the nervousness and I have to bite my lip to keep from shouting the news out. "Guess what."

Harrison looks at me suspiciously, "What?"

A smile bursts out on my face and I carefully articulate every sound in my whispered answer, "I found my mate!"

For only a moment, he doesn't respond, after that second passes it's like a wave of excitement washes through him. Harrison lurches at me and we both land laughing on the ground. "Holy shit! Really?! Why are you telling me now?! Who is it, do we know them? I mean, of course, you know them, but like do I know them?" Both of our faces are glowing, and I'm thrilled at his reaction. His eyes enlarge more as he clues in, "Oh my gosh, it's Carmine, isn't it? Or is it Conall? No, you haven't been hanging out with Conall a lot and he doesn't seem interested in you, no offence. It's got to be Carmine; I mean unless it's a lone wolf or something because nobody else has visited today."

I nod eagerly, "Carmine, it happened this morning. We are going to figure everything out ourselves before announcing it to the pack, but I wanted you to be the first to know."

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