Chapter 12

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Quick FYI to anyone who is confused; "Regular text with quotation marks equals talking out loud", "Italics means talking in thoughts or through mindlink", "Bold italics means it's the wolf speaking,"  and I also use bold italics for these lil notes. There is also going to be texting in this chapter so texting is going to be a bit like thoughts, don't worry it'll make sense.

Oh and the picture is what I imagine the little scent charms Carmine uses look like, just for the mental image.


I survey the people heading towards the cafeteria before deciding to go eat somewhere else. Regan and his group, who are currently at the table they usually drag me to, are all heavily brooding. Everyone has a very solemn look on their faces and even Andrea looks serious which is rare enough for me to think it might not be the best idea to sit together today.

"Yeahhh, let's go somewhere else," I decide, "Let's hope whatever has them all gloomy doesn't include me in any shape or form."

As I start heading towards the library I decide to switch routes, honestly they've all stalked me enough that if they went looking for me they would check the library first. In the end my feet lead me all the way to the back of the school and out the heavy metal double doors to the back of the building, looking out towards the forest.

I still don't know how I managed to miss the part about this school being right in front of a thick forest. Forests are one of the things I make sure to avoid when I move locations since forests like these usually mean there are werewolves nearby or in the forest itself. Thankfully it doesn't seem like a lot of the werewolves in the school have an interest in shifting or hiding there during the day. I guess that makes sense though, considering the fact most of the students and teachers here seem to be werewolves. Why would someone need to hide if the teachers and students are mostly werewolves in the first place.

I sit down with my back against the brick wall of the school and get some snacks out of my school bag. I didn't really have time to make anything after I finished cleaning up the mess in my kitchen, after it was clean I didn't feel like going in and using it. Every time I looked towards the kitchen I could see and smell the rancid vomit mixed with maggots.

I also had to pitch a lot of the food I was storing in my cupboards since I found bugs in them. When I went to go get my phone from Kaylie I bought a couple muffins and small pastries so I wouldn't have to make anything for lunch today.

I pull off a piece of my muffin as I watch some birds jump around in the trees. I have a late shift right after school today since I need to make it up to Kaylie about missing like two shifts. I assured her I was fine and could definitely work today.

I finish my cranberry muffin and take note to memorize the recipe as they are one of my favorites. I pull out my phone and check the time to see I still have about half an hour before lunch is finished. I personally rather not go back into the wolf infested school so instead I take out some of my homework and start working on it.

* * * * * *

"Carmine!" I hear someone yell as I close my locker and grab my work bag along with my school bag. I turn my head to see Andrea quickly making her way over towards me. I might possibly of been avoiding everyone all day since they seem to be in a serious mood. They tried talking to me a couple times but I am a master of slipping out of conversations so I just leave before anything can happen.

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