Chapter 26

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BWAHAHAHAHA GUESS WHAT?!?!?! I was in one of my 'moods' after my exam so HERE'S ONE OF MY LONGER CHAPTERS!! I know you've all secretly been waiting for the chapter length to change back to how it used to be, don't even lieeeeee

(I'm sure there are typos but I really really wanted to update for you guys, let me know what all the errors are lol Thanks, love youu~~)


I wake up to a soft light in my eyes. Groaning a bit I roll over with aching limbs. After a minute of trying to get back to sleep, I come to terms with the fact I'm now awake and open my eyes. I look around my room groggily. We finished unpacking almost everything last night and I'm freaking exhausted. Even though I apparently don't have lots of things, it still took us forever to get it all packed, carried up to my room, then unpacked again. The staircases were the major killer though, my legs are still aching from all the going up and down we did. I'm sure the others aren't in nearly as much pain since they seemed unaffected by it last night. Wish I could say the same. I still ache all over and want nothing more then to relax in a scented bath. According to the others the aches should go away soon since my self-healing abilities have started making an appearance. It would be great if they started working a bit faster though. I let out another groan, "I guess I might as well get up since I'm almost fully awake now."

My legs complain as I get out of my bed and stretch before walking towards my bathroom. I unpacked most of my things last night, so I've actually got my own toothbrush now. After I'm done, I walk back out and scavenge through my clothes for something clean that doesn't reek of  bleach.

"I've got to remember never to use that much bleach in one closed space ever again," I grumble to myself. Most of my clothes and even my blankets smelled richly of the bleach, I practically drenched my room in it back at the motel. It's understandable since the substance was left sitting in different places for too long, but still, there was a window open. You'd think the open window would help with some of the smell but nope! "Whatever, at least I learned for next time."

After leaving my room I make my way downstairs to where I can smell coffee. When I walked out of my room I could tell Conall wasn't awake yet, which makes sense since it's only five in the morning. Conall ended up getting the empty room beside me, the one on the opposite side then the lovebirds who screw around in the wee hours of the morning.

The aroma of freshly made coffee draws me into the massive kitchen. Loriene is bustling about busily but still gives me a smile when I walk in. There aren't nearly as many people in here as there were yesterday, I guess it is much earlier then before though.

"Morning Carmine!" Loriene chirps and I nod my head, "You're up early, the next round of coffee just finished and is over there. Help yourself."

"Thanks," I say as I go over to get coffee.

She comes over and washes her hands in the sink, "No problem, oh and there's nothing wrong with gettin' up early but I suggest you go hide unless you want to be put back to work."

I glance over at her while pouring some creamer in my cup, "Why? Is there more to do?"

Loriene laughs, "Hun, there's always more to do. But yes, Andrea's birthday is tomorrow. Some of the people we're close with from another pack are going to be staying from now until just after Regan's birthday so there's a lot to get ready. That's partially why we had Conall's room ready so fast, we were already expecting people."

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