Chapter 2

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"Excuse me, is this History with Mrs. Carlton?" I ask as I open the door to, what I hoped, was my classroom.

The woman who was writing something on the whiteboard stopped and turned to smile at me. "Yes it is, how may I help you?"

I held out my paper for her to look at, "I just transferred here, I think this is my class."

She smiles at me "Ah yes, Jen did mention you. Alright, everyone, this is Carmine Lycus, as you heard he just transferred here. Carmine, you can sit in the back with Regan, Regan share your book with Carmine please," She gestures to the back and, to my dismay, at one of the boys I had seen earlier in the hall. Thankfully it wasn't the alpha, it was the one who had been on the right of the Alpha. I guess it could've been worse, I could've gotten stuck with the beta.

I made sure not to show on my face my displeasure of sitting beside him and walked to the back. He smiled at me then scooted his desk and book over towards mine. His hair was darker than mine and the brown in his eyes was barely lighter than the brown of his hair. His hair was in an almost faux-hawk type style which I thought suited him well.

"Welcome to Redwood," He says as he extends his hand to me. I smile politely back and shake his hand. Yeah, he obviously worked out. My friend from my older school told me that packs have 'training' to keep everyone in shape and to make sure everyone on patrols can handle the rogues. My guess was that this guy trains often, and he trains hard. I could practically see his six pack through his clothes.

"Thanks," I answer back at him before quickly looking over the open book on our desks.

* * * * * *

After class finished I thanked Regan for the use of his book and got back out my timetable so I could find my next class. Finding classrooms was always a pain but luckily this school wasn't that big in the first place.

"Hey," Someone calls. I turn around to see Regan in the door with the guy who I thought was a Beta, both of them were looking at me.

"Yes?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"What's your next class?" He asks me. I looked down at my sheet a minute before answering.

"Uh looks like World Cultures with uhm Mr. Thornton."

Regan smiles "Oh cool, that's mine and Nicholas's next class. We'll walk you over."

I hesitate before picking up my stuff, it would seem weird if I said no. He was only trying to be welcoming to the new kid, nothing unusual about it I suppose.

As I got to the door Nicholas holds out his hand. "I'm Nicholas, Regan said your name was Carmine I think?" I nod once and walk with them to our next class.

Nicholas was built pretty similar to Regan. You could tell he worked out often, I could also see that he had a tattoo hidden under his shirt. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with specks of brown in them. He smells like chlorine so I'm guessing that he's on the swim team. He seemed a bit intense but I made sure not to show my uneasiness.

When we got closer to the classroom I mentally groan in frustration. The alpha from earlier was waiting outside the door for Nicholas and Regan.

"Reece! Look we're lucky enough to get the newbie in our class." Nicholas calls to the alpha.

The alpha looks up at Nicholas's voice and starts walking towards us. When he gets closer he outstretches his hand towards me. "Sweet! Nice to meet you, I'm Harrison,"

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