Chapter 30

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FIRST OF ALL AHHHHHHHHHHH SO MANY FOLLOWERS!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I was going to do a special release but uhh you guys followed me to fast....sorry....I made this chapter fluffy as a 'thank you' instead...

I'm also tryyiinngg to keep this note WAY SHORTER THEN MY LAST ONE CUZ GOOD GODDESS WHY WAS IT SO LONG BLEGH! Anyway I'm already semi working on the next update, but here's this one since you guys deserve it lol


I peek into the main game room and search the people inside before walking quickly to the next room. The entire pack building is busy with people running all over the place. It's even worse than it was for Andrea's birthday which is understandable, but goddess they need to stop waiting until the last second to do all this stuff. It's such a pain. On the bright side though, Loriene agreed with me that we need to prepare earlier then last time. The cake is being made right now but we put the batter together yesterday along with a description of what it needs and how to ice it. The cupcakes were also made yesterday, I decorated those a few minutes ago and they're already stacked in containers for tomorrow. Most of the baking and kitchen work has been completed now so we can focus more on meals and other party prep.

My head peeks inside of another room but then I scowl when I don't see who I'm looking for. "Gosh where the heck is he now? His scent is everywhere since he's been working so I can't find him," my eyes catch sight of a brown head of hair out the window and I hurry towards the staircase to get outside.

I manage to move around people rushing through the halls and get to the door without someone asking me to do something. I understand I'm here and that this is a big event, but seriously I'm not even a member of the pack and I'm being held here against my will. It's starting to get annoying having all these people I don't know bossing me around and telling me to do this or that. I understand a few little things to help out, but don't make me do all your fricken jobs just because you're to lazy or tired to do them.

A whoosh of hot and humid air hits me like a wall when I step out of the surprisingly well air-conditioned pack house. There are people everywhere setting things up for tomorrow or scoping out where things are going. Unlike Andrea's party, Harrisons' is going to be held outside due to the number of different packs who are attending. A stage is also going to be setup since people are giving speeches for Harrion. Touching, I know. After dinner, there's also going to be a bonfire and something which could best be described as a dance. If I remember correctly it's both a way to socialize and for Harrison to look around for his mate in a sneaky way. Though I'm sure most people know he'll be looking for his mate though so it's not as discrete as they all think.

When I get to the parking lot I spot a the head of brown hair disappearing behind a truck and jog over so I don't lose him, again.

"Regan!" I yell and he instantly snaps his head around to look at me. There's a split second before his face breaks out in a smile at seeing I'm the one who called him. 

He says something to the people he's with before walking quickly towards me. He wipes his forehead with his arm and I see he is covered in sweat from working outside in the heat and humidity. "What's up Carmine?" he asks when he gets closer.

"I, um, have a favour to ask you," I say nervously. He raises an eyebrow expectantly and I look down at my feet, "I don't know what to get or where to look for Harrison's birthday present so I was wondering if you could help me since he's like your best friend and alpha and all," Regan perks up and his eyes widen with shock. I could swear he even gasped.

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