Chapter 28

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Hai Hai!~ First of all, I am now back from vacation and think I've caught up with all of my notifications from my trip. I'm so glad everyone seems to be enjoying my story so far.

This brings me to my second thing to address, I've doubled followers the past few days and that's freaking insane!! AAAHHHH!! Voting, comments, followers, and everything in between has spiked and I'm so happy more people are enjoying my writing!! T^T

Also, as a domino effect of that this story has recently become #1 ranked in a bunch of tags and I kid you not I squealed when I saw that. AHHHHHHHH!!!! CRAZINESS!! (Wattpad has been like broken so the ranking isn't working well right now, I found out by accident. Lemme tell you, it was a nice morning surprise.)

Right before this realese I went back and did a much needed edit on my first few chapters, goddess did they need it. If you had comments on those and they're now gone, I am so so so so so sooooo sorry!! Also, HOW THE HELL DID I GET READERS WITH THAT TRASH?!?!?! MY STARTING CHAPTERS WERE/ARE TERRIBLE!! Why did nobody point out, like, everything. T-T

With that out of the way, this is a lonngg chapter, like almost double the normal word count. Yeah, big chapter, that's why I said it's a big update lol


My head jerks sideways and I hold back an eye roll as yet another glass cup of punch is knocked onto the floor. Without skipping a beat, I snatch the roll of paper towels and bring them, along with the already wet washcloth in my hands, to go clean the mess up. The mother who knocked it over apologizes profusely as I kneel down for the fortieth time in the past two hours to clean up a spilled drink. I simply smile and assure her there's no harm done even though I want to glare at her and tell her to be more careful next time. I swear these people need sippy cups or lids.

Since I'm not exactly a pack member, nor am I one of the guests here at Andrea's party, I've assigned myself to help with whatever I can. It doesn't feel right for me to get free food from the pack without working for it somehow. That and I already owe them for the effort they put into my medical treatment, twice.

Thank the gods above I went to bed early and got lots of sleep last night. If I hadn't, today would suck so much more then it has to this point. After waking up at a semi-decent time I had started decorating more cupcakes, then Andrea's birthday cake, and then went to work on helping prepare lunch for everyone. In between small jobs in the kitchen people would ask me if I could help them set up streamers, wrap a present, bring something to someone I didn't know, go check where someone was, clean something for them, or just ask my general opinion on something if they were passing by. Honestly, I'm finding the amount of work being put into this birthday party ridiculous. Not that I would really know, I haven't had a birthday party since I was five or six. I think. Even then I don't remember much of it, not that I'm sure it's worth remembering.

But seriously, the hassle of everything is exhausting, and all for one person for one day! I swear I have no idea how other people do it, or why they would even want to. Andrea isn't even here enjoying all her decorations or company, she went out with a group of girls this morning for a shopping trip or something dumb. Who goes shopping on their birthday before they open presents? That seems really stupid. I mean you don't know what people are getting you for presents right. So how to do you know that whatever you buy you're not going to get later as a present?

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