Chapter 16

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I back up Harrison as he goes in for the finishing blow in his fight against Dennis. Harrison took Dennis's neck into his mouth before biting down hard and ripping his head from side to side. The light leaves the vicious wolf's eye before they roll back into his head.

Harrison lets go of the now dead wolves neck then tosses the body to the side. He trots over to me and shifts into his human form, Nicholas comes up beside us with a pair of shorts and hands them to Harrison who gladly takes them.

"Guys he's unconscious, we need to get him to our pack doctor," Andrea's urgent voice breaks through to us and we turn to where she's standing. In her arms is a small fluffy wolf pup with ash coloured fur. I can tell some of the blood on the ground in from the pup and there are multiple gashes through the small fluffballs fur.

"We'll take my truck, Nicholas you link someone and let them know what happened and why we're leaving. Andrea, you go head over to my truck and get in the passenger side. Maya, can you quickly run and get his things from his locker to bring with us?"

Maya turns around and dashes into the school without so much as a nod. The rest of us quickly make our way to the parking lot around the school, thankfully Harrison's truck is the closest one to us.

"It's Carmine right?" Nicholas asks as Harrison starts the truck up. Maya climbs into a seat quickly and slams the door just as the truck lurches forward.

"Do you really need to ask?" she responds huffing.

Nicholas's eyes are stuck on the unconscious pup in Andreas' arms, "So many things suddenly make sense."

"And so many things suddenly don't make sense," Maya adds, "He's a werewolf, yet he didn't smell like one, we couldn't tell he was one, he never contacted our pack, he ran from the pack house while he was in there, he didn't trust us in his pup form even though he could obviously tell we were werewolves, an-"

"Hold up," Harrison cuts in, "he was in the packhouse? Maya what are you talking about, you met him in his wolf form before?"

"Remember when I forgot to text you that one day?" Andrea asks and Harrison nods "Well, the girls and I found Carmine on our walk that morning, we didn't know it was him and he didn't smell the same. He had broken bones and was covered in blood, he didn't trust us and warned us to go away but we thought that was just because he was a wild wolf."

Nicholas looks up to Andrea's eyes, "So you brought him to Davan." It wasn't a question. The girls all nod in response and Nicholas mutters something under his breath. He runs his hands through his blonde hair nervously, "Well that explains the weird scent in your guys' clothes the next day."

Maya smacks him hard, "You were smelling our clothes?!?"

"Not like that!" He exclaims, "I helped with the laundry and there was a weird scent in them, though no offence you could obviously tell it was a werewolf scent. I mentioned it to the Luna who was with me but she just waved it off with a glimmer in her eye saying not to worry about it."

Everything which has just happened is racing through everyone's heads making a jumbled mess in the mind link we share. I'm currently very grateful that Harrison went right into alpha mode since the rest of us were semi at a loss for what to do.

Harrison and I had been in the bathroom when Nicholas told us something was wrong with Carmine. Before he could finish explaining to us a loud bang had sounded through the school which quickly drew our attention. Nicholas told us that Carmine was acting strange when he returned from the office, the first thing he did was ask where we were. He suddenly ran off after learning Bree and Maya went outside which worried Nicholas and Andrea enough that they ran after him.

On his way out he broke the back doors making it hard for us to reopen them and follow. It took Harrison, Nicholas, and I all to open the door but right before we did we all heard Carmine screaming something. He sounded both terrified and furious at the same time, the sound surely carried throughout the entire school alerting everyone with heightened hearing that something was wrong. I prayed that the sound caught one of the teachers attention so they would come running but that didn't happen.

After finally getting the door open we ran into Bree and Maya who were terrified. Bree even had tears running down her face which set all of us into protective mode, Bree is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet and seeing her in tears made us want to kill whoever made her cry.

The girls tried explaining what happened but everything was coming out in sobs and they were borderline hysterical, though we quickly got the scent of two wolves on them. They were saying something about Carmine when a threatening snarl reached our ears snapping Harrison and me into action. We both took off running around the building to see a small pup rip off the ear of a large attacking wolf. The second Harrison saw the pup his wolf took over and his alpha blood took control, he swiftly cut off the larger wolf before it could reach the pup.

What confused us was the fact that Carmine's smell was strong but he was nowhere to be seen, then it clicked. The small fuzzy little-injured pup had to be Carmine.

It didn't take long for us to recognize the larger wolf as Dennis, an old pack member who was exiled for, in a nutshell, being a creep to the she-wolves in the pack. Dennis started attacking Harrison and his red eyes caught our attention. He had gone fully rogue meaning he was no longer an old member, he was a dangerous rogue who needed to be taken out. Luckily Harrison was much more calculated and trained then Dennis so he could handle the situation expertly. I helped him out in my human form and we easily and quickly took Dennis out without any major injuries.

"How did we not know he was one of us?" Nicholas asks nobody in particular.

Harrison grits his teeth "I have no idea. Both Regan and I, along with our wolves, knew something was off with his scent but we couldn't pinpoint what it was. Heck, not even Dad knew what it was when he purposely bumped into Carmine during one of his shifts."

Maya rubs her arms "What did Carmine do that even an alpha wasn't able to tell he was a werewolf?"

"It's insane, we knew something was off but even then we didn't know what it was," I say.

Bree sniffs and rubs her eyes, she had calmed down slightly. "Carmine knew Dennis was coming, I don't know how but he did. He came out to where Maya and I were sitting looking like a madman and was frantic. The entire time he was alert and made sure we weren't able to get hurt."

"He was terrified though. Everything in him was screaming fear," Maya whispers and we all go silent.

Andrea's voice sounds in the vehicle "Harrison something's wrong, he's not healing." The hairs on my arms stick up on end at the urgency in her voice.

Harrison quickly glaces over at the unconscious pup, "How bad are his injuries, are they deep?"

Andrea takes a shaky breath before closing her eyes "Uhm, yep. They're uh pretty serious. He's bleeding really bad Harrison, nothing is closing over."

"Shit," he whispers, "Okay just a few more minutes until we get there. Put pressure right there, yeah that yeah." Harrison reaches over Bree who's in the front middle jump seat to show Andrea where to apply pressure. "We're here, I'm going to pull up to the closest entrance so you run right to Davan. "

He drives through the lawn beside the packhouse before swinging it around to a stop at a small side door. Normally we would get in serious trouble for driving on the grass but right now I don't think anyone really cares. Carmine is currently our main priority.

Andrea unbuckles herself before we're stopped and jumps out the still moving truck easily. Without skipping a beat she bursts off in a run and slams the side door open. We can hear her yelling for Davan as she enters the packhouse.

Harrison quickly parks the truck right there in the grass and we all jump out before racing towards the door.

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