Chapter 37

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So yeah these next few chapters are going to be longer then normal, I'm going with the thought nobody will mind. They're kind of all over the place but I really just wanted to hurry up and release them. Hope you enjoy~ ^o^


I stretch my arms behind my head and feel things in my back pop and crack. With my eyes closed, I roll my neck around to try and ease some of the tension from working these past seven hours. Sure the half an hour break was great and all, but since I haven't been working much lately it feels like forever ago.

The small group of bells attached to the top of the cafe door jingle delicately making me open my eyes again. I crack my shoulders once more before walking over to the couple who just walked in. After quickly taking their order I start making their coffee order and grab them two molasses spice cookies.

Kaylie called me this morning asking if I was available to take someone's shift. Due to everything going on lately I haven't been working as much as I should have. Sure I have the funds to just not go to work for a while, but I'd rather not drain my bank for something this stupid. Besides, this gets me out of the packhouse for a few hours.

I sigh and start wiping down a bunch of coffee the new hire just spilled. Draven gives me a nervous smile and continues with his orders.

Draven is a cute little guy who I've found out is one of the omegas in the Redwood pack. He's almost a head shorter than me, which is surprising since I'm not all that tall myself. His hair is small and curly which I find adorable since it matches his personality. For some reason, he's amazing at fading into the background and escaping unnoticed. People barely take notice of his presence which is something I admire about him. It's a tactic that's extremely useful for survival and something I've worked hard at in my own life, yet for him, it just comes naturally. The only problem is that most people don't notice where he is so he doesn't have many friends within the pack. I'm sure some of them don't even acknowledge him in the average day. Which is why Conall only connected with Draven a few times since coming here. The two of them have very different personalities but I can see how they could become really great friends.

I look over as Kaylie calls my name and she comes towards me, "How're you doing? I know you probably don't want me asking but I did promise the others I'd let you take it easy today and keep an eye on you."

"I'm fine," I say while rolling my eyes.

When I originally got the phone call from her this morning, the others were against me coming in to work. Even Regan's parents said it wasn't a good idea to come in after working within the packhouse so much. I see where they're coming from since between school, work, working with Loriene in the kitchen, and the things that keep happening there isn't much time for a break. They want me to take some more time off to rest up, I get that. However, it's already been almost four weeks since Regan's birthday. I've done virtually nothing since then. So, against everyone else's judgment, I decided to come into work for a full shift and earn some more money while getting away from the suffocating pack life.

"That's what I thought," Kaylie says with a wink, "You seem like you know your limits. I'm sure if something was too much for you that you'd come to talk to me about it."

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