Chapter 22

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Hehehe lots of updates today isn't there


I walk into my second class a bit late with Harrison close behind me. Our teacher gives us a glare before going back to teaching. After my talk with Carmine this morning I could swear I heard some sort of emotion in his voice when he told me he'd think about it, I told Harrison about it later and he was pretty excited. So far Carmine has been firm on leaving as soon as possible and he's barely acting like normal to some of us.

"Do you think he might change his mind and stay?" I hear Harrison ask as the teacher starts playing a video on the projector.

"I don't know, I hope so," I answer. Sure, it's no secret to my friends I have a crush on Carmine, but even with that aside I really enjoy being with him. When I was visiting him in the infirmary I occasionally got little glimpses of his true personality and it was honestly really enjoyable to see. I don't want to see him leave now after we've gotten a bit closer, seeing him is one of the highlights of my day. "He sounded sincere earlier so maybe he'll change his mind."

"Has he ever mentioned why he has a vendetta against packs? I mean it's in our nature to be in a pack, even though he is not quite a full werewolf, he should still feel that need to be in one right?" Harrison asks and I glance over at him.

"I can't recall him ever talking about it, no. I'm decently sure he feels the pack need but whenever I ask he just avoids it."

Harrison sighs, "Then I don't think he's said anything since you're the closest person to him."

I feel a grin creep onto my face, "I am?"

A snort comes through over our link, "Uh, yes? Have you not noticed or just ignored it? Dude he's much less tense with you around, he didn't even kick you out back when he was in the infirmary. Carmine kicked pretty much everyone out of there, including my Dad at one point."

My hand goes to my face to muffle my laughter, "Did not know that. How has Carmine not gotten in trouble for shit like that yet?"

"No clue man," we both let out small pieces of laughter and try to cover them when the teacher glares at us.

* * * * * * *

We forced Carmine to sit with us at lunch like usual. He put up a bit more of a fight then usual but we stole both his backpack and phone making him run after us. While we were all talking together he mentioned that a teacher asked him to stay after school for something so we all agreed to wait until he was done to go home. I let my Dad know we were going to be a bit late. Now Nicholas and I are waiting in the hall for Carmine to finish.

He walks out of the classroom while saying something over his shoulder. Entranced by his hair I can't help but be mesmerized by it. It is always styled to perfection and he doesn't even need to do anything to it. That 'messy wave' is just gorgeous on him. The colour is just amazing too, it's so unique and perfect, it adds to his character and suits him wonderfully.

Carmine turns to look at us "Okay, we can go now."

Nicholas pushes off the wall, "Finally! Goddess, what took you so long?"

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