Lots of yelling

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'We're screwed' you three thought.

In front of you we're two security guards. They must have heard the commotion you and Mark were making and decided to check it out.

"We're gonna need you to exit the store" the one on the right said.

You were about to say something, then ran off, with Mark and Jack behind you.

You could hear the guards yell "HEY!" And ran after you. You turned around and saw them right on your tail.

"What should we do?!" Jack said, still running.

"We're gonna need to lost them cuz I haven't bought my bean bags!" You exclaimed.

"Why caN'T YOU BUY THEM LATER!" Mark yelled.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Jack started screaming because everybody was screaming too.

You took lots of sharp turns and ran even faster. Jack and Mark could barley catch up to you but they were able to still follow you.

'Jesus this person likes their bean bags' Mark thought.

You were able to (somehow) lose the guards and ran to the bean bags, grabbed two and went to buy them. Luckily you found a short line, paid, and ran out of the store.

So there you were, running through a parking lot with two bean bags, and two males behind you. You all got in the car and Jack stepped on the peddles.

You could hear in the distance the two security guards yelling.

Welp, you aren't going to go there sooner or later.

The ride home was just mostly catching your breath from all the running you guys did.

"I can't believe we didn't get caught" Mark wheezed.

"Hoooo boy, that was fun" Jack said.

"We probably shouldn't go there again" you said.

"Agreed" Mark says

You three all got home and went to your separate apartments, biding each other a good bye but before leaving you asked Jack.

"Are you guys living together or....?" You said, waiting to be answered.

"Oh, no no no" Jack said, with a nervous smile, "I could never think to live with Mark, no, he's just visiting me"

"How long?" wow you were being nosey.

"Eh, probably 3 weeks or something like that" Jack said.

"Awwwww he has to leave?" You whined.

Jack chuckled "Of course, he can't live here forever"

You pouted " ok ok, well uh, see you later" you smiled, waving bye to Jack.

"See ya ______!" Jack said happily.

You smiled and went inside your apartment, getting ready to sleep....but you just realized, you haven't bought a mattress and bed frame.

Well isn't this a son of a bitch.

Looks like your going to have to sleep on your air mattress you packed with you just in case you couldn't get a bed in time. If you couldn't buy your bed, that means Jack didn't get his table and chair.....whoops.

You rubbed your cheeks, tired from today and all the chaos. You went to get yourself a glass of water, drinker it and went to brush your teeth.

After brushing your teeth, you changed into some fuzzy pajama's. *cough* Batman pajamas *cough* and start to fill your flat air mattress with air. It made lots of noise but after you got no complaints.

You threw your blanket and pillow on the mattress and turned off the lights, eyes already heavy and before your knew it, you were out like a light.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm on your phone and made it stop. You opened your eyes slowly and groggily got up, whining quietly why you had to put your alarm clock at the crack-ass-of-dawn.

You got up and stretched, slowly walking your way over to the bathroom to brush your teeth and other hygiene reasons.

After you finished, you made breakfast for yourself 'omelets, yay!' And drank a glass of milk. Then you remembered that you had to make a video tour of your new apartment!

You went inside your room and opened your suit case, getting your camera, setting it up to record.

You raised the camera above and in front of you and pressed the record button.

You started with your intro and and quick summary of your move and updates and blah blah blah...

Than you got to the fun part, you showed the kitchen and gushed about how it's so clean and polished, then the living room, and said how it's so spacious, then the bathroom 'nothing there that's interesting'.

Then you showed your room. You said that there isn't much but you will decorate it to make it look more like a office or gaming room to make your video's.

And last but not least your bean bags.

You probably talked about it for like a third of the video. After you finished about your rant about how bean bags were made, you did your outro and ended the video.

You put the camera down and looked around your apartment, ready to unpack.

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