Going to the Waterpark! (Part 1)

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You opened your tired eyes and looked around.  You just saw your hotel room. You sighed and layed back down. This was amazing, after the day at the beach, you all decided to go to a water park.  You heard a knock on your hotel door.

"Come in" You grumbled and put a pillow over your head.

You heard the door open and someone stepped in your room. You felt the footsteps go around the side of your bed and on one of the sides of the bed dipped down by their weight. You then heard chuckling.

"Get up ______" a familiar voice said.

"Nooooooooo" you groaned.

You heard them softly laughing and you peeked out of under the pillow.

Jack lightly smiled at you, thinking how adorable you are that you're not a morning person.

"You want coffee?" Jack asked you, gently putting his hand on your pillow to lift it up.

You smiled tiredly and sat up, yawning and stretching your hands over your head.

"Love too" you replied, looking at him with a smile.

"We'll eat breakfast together if that's ok with you? The others are already ok that we're not gonna eat with them" Jack said, looking at the ground. You nodded and shoo'ed Jack out of your room.

Jack laughed and got up to leave, he closed the door gently, leaving you alone in your hotel room.

You got dressed and brushed your teeth and took your bag with everything you need in it. You got your hotel card and put it in your bag, leaving the hotel room locked.

You went to the elevator to see Jack waiting for you. He looked around until his eyes landed on you. He smiled and waved. You grinned and walked over to him, taking the elevator down with him.

"Soooo, where are we going?" You asked as the elevator opened, stepping out of it and going to the exit.

"A little cafe, just a few blocks away" Jack replied, looking at you.

"Why a cafe?" You said as you and Jack walked on the street.

"Well, it looked like you needed coffee and it served breakfast" Jack laughed as he rounded a corner, you going with him by his side.

The cafe was a little building made out of wood. It had plants growing on the roof that was held by wooden square frames. On one of the front windows says 'open' on a sign that you would flip over. There was a little wall halfway up your body to surround the two tables that was outside of the cafe.

"Cute" was your first description of it. You looked at the plants, quietly admiring it.

"That's why I thought of you when I first saw it" Jack mumbled under his breath.

"What?" You asked, turning to look at him with curious eyes.

"Uh, nothing!" Jack said, looking away from you and letting out a breath.

You had a smile on your face and walked inside, Jack following close behind.

You ordered your breakfast and coffee, Jack doing so shortly after.

You two sat at a table with stools at the front of the shop, looking out the window. There were shops everywhere and a park nearby.

"So, what are the plans for the water park?" You asked as you swing your legs under the table.

"Well, we're going to eat breakfast first then relax a little than go to the water park" Jack said as he looked at the receipt he got from the order.

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