Marks Fault

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"______!" Jack yelled, running over to you where you fell.

"Uuuuuuuugh" you groaned as you tried to get up (key word "TRY")

Jack finally got to you and helped you get up, leading you to the couch.

"Stay here" Jack demanded, running somewhere in your house.

Jack came back with a band aid.

"Why do I need that?" You asked.

"The top of your nose is bleeding" Jack said with worry in his voice.

You got your phone and got the camera, seeing yourself. Jack was right, the top of your nose is bleeding, while you fell, your nose must have scratched something (who knows what) and you fell to the floor.

Jack also got a cotton ball with him, he dabbed some of the blood off and he got the band aid.

Jack got the paper off the band aid and leaned in close to your face and carefully tried to put it on your face.

You blushed, just noticing how close both of your faces were. If someone would just push one of your heads forward, your lips would be touching his lips.

You swallowed, waiting for Jack to hurry the FUK UP.

"Aaaaaand there. All done." Jack got off of you, noticing how red you were, and he winked at you.

You blushed even further, quietly cursing to yourself.

"Just get me a glass of water" you grumbled, sinking into the couch.

Jack chuckled and said "you look cute with the band aid on your face like that" then went to the kitchen to get you a glass of water.

While waiting for your water, your apartment door opened revealing Mark.

Mark gasped and ran over to you, asking what happened.

You waved your hands, saying you just fell.

Mark sat next to you, while you get your phone for any thing and at the same time Jack got back from the kitchen, spotting Mark next to you.

Mark wiggles his eyebrows at Jack and since you were on your phone you didn't notice.

Jack connected the dots and he realized Mark was the one that tripped you, causing Jack to help you.

Jack glared at Mark in a way that made Mark chuckle. Jack walked over to your other side putting the glass of water in your face.

"Here, drink up" Jack smiled confidently at you. You were hiding the blush but some of it was able to get on your face. You shyly took the glass and drank the water.

Jack sat on the couch and waited for you to finish up.

Once you were done, you put the glass on the small coffee table in front of you. You then remembered that you still need to buy some more stuff for your apartment and went to your room to grab your laptop from your backpack that still held some of your stuff.

You went back to your living room and the two Youtubers looked at you confusingly.

"I still need to buy some more stuff~" you sang and skipped to the couch.

You always loved shopping online because one, you don't get to go in public and you get to shop in your PJ's and two, it's so much easier to find exactly what you want on the internet, especially shoes, but never clothes. It's either in the wrong size then it said in the description or it looks ugly but it looked pretty in the picture.

You sat down on the couch between the boys and opened your laptop, typing in your password as the boys watched and you went to a website you always buy from and the rest of the day, you three spent the day looking stuff for your apartment.

Then they had to leave so you bid them goodbye and went to your room with no bed yet. You checked the clock and it said 6:00. You still had time to make 2 videos so you went to do that.

You played a game that involved four anime girls, one had depression, one enjoys cutting herself, one that's always hungry and one that could conTROL THE FREAKIN' GAME.

And the other video was basically a cool game you found on steam.

You went to edit them and make it a little bit funnier.

You checked the time once more and it was 8:30.

Since you spent a little too much money on the shopping spree with the two knuckle heads, you probably can't pay the rent so you need to find a job, a part time job anyway.

You tried to list all the things you could do to find a job that suits you.

Teacher, nah, you don't really like kids. Janitor? Too boring. Maid, nope you don't like to clean up other people's messes. Intern? Too much work.

You were getting frustrated so you decide to drink a glass of milk and then sleep.

After you brushed your teeth, you thought to yourself on your air mattress that you could probably find a job by tomorrow.

This time you didn't have a peaceful dream like last time.

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