Going to the Carnival! - Carnival Crazy

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Just a heads up, this is a long chapter!

You fell face first into your hotel bed, exhausted. You sighed at the softness that the bed provided. You were just laying there until a knock was heard.

"Come in" was your muffled reply.

"Come on ______, at least shower first" came Wades voice.

You groaned. "Do I have too?"

Wade gave you a stern look. You groaned again and grabbed your clothes, going to the bathroom, grumbling how Wade was a mother hen. Wade rolled his eyes and closed your door before saying "Jack asked if he could hang out with you after you take a shower, is that fine?"

"Yeah, it's fine" you replied going in the bathroom and taking a shower. The hot water soothes your aching muscles. You sighed. This was heaven.

You got out of the shower, squeaky clean and threw your dirty clothes in a plastic bag. You sat down on the bed, then watched some TV.

You heard a knock at your door again and a mess of brown hair poked through the door.

"Can I come in?" Jack asked with a smile.

You nodded and he closed the door behind you. He sat next to you on the bed and leaned on the headboard.

"Brought some of your favorite candy" Jack offered, you smiled at him and took it, opening it and popping some in your mouth.

"Thank you, I needed this" you said, eating more of it.

"Your welcome"

The two of you watched a movie you found on TV that was interesting enough. The candy was long forgotten, instead, during the movie, you snuggled against Jack with his arms around your shoulder.

The second movie was playing when your eyes started closing and opening, your head dropping then moving up. Sooner or later you fell asleep, your head on Jacks shoulder. Jack soon fell asleep too, his arms around your body.


Jack opened his eyes, slowly processing what is happening. He looked around the unfamiliar room, then realized it was your hotel room. He shifted, then felt some breathing on his neck. He looked down, seeing your resting face, sleeping soundly against him.

You made a cute noise, slightly moving your head and body and snuggled more against Jack. Jack breath hitched, his eyes slightly widening. He looked at you. Your body was relaxed, calm, different from your slightly tense body that you always have. Your hair slightly fell over your face, your breathing against his neck made him flushed. You looked really pretty like this, he was glad that he could see you like this. What happened and how did you end up like this?

You two were watching a movie on your bed together and Jack moved his arms behind your shoulder. You must have fell asleep against him.

Jack gulped and slightly moved to get out of the bed. You slightly moved also, making a noise of discomfort. Jack panicked.

Your eyes opened, seeing Jack next to you with a panicked expression. Your narrowed your eyes, confused as to what was happening.

"Good morning" you said, sitting up and yawning.

"H-hey" was Jacks reply.

You smiled and got out of bed, going to the bathroom to make yourself not look like a a horrid monster.

Jack quickly got out of your bed and went to the door.

"See you later ______" Jack hurriedly said as he went out of your hotel room.

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