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(Everything on the trip might not be accurate!)

Eventually, you got better and wasn't sick anymore, thanks to Jacks help. Now you were getting ready to head off to America, yay, well, specifically California. You wondered where Mark got the idea to go to America. You shrugged it off. You got your small suitcase from the last vacation and stopped.

There in your suitcase was your forgotten cat coffee plushie that Jack won for you, the one with a cat sticking out of a coffee cup. You smiled as you remembered the fond memory. You picked it up and set it on your bed. Then you went back to packing.

During your packing, you realized that you're traveling more then before. That's good, since your always stuck inside your apartment. You finished and hauled your small suitcase outside. Soon you met up with everyone.

"Hey, you guys ready?" You asked, excited.

"Yep, can't wait to go!" Mark beamed. Was it your imagination or did Jack looked a bit less excited.

"I heard the dim sums are good there at Chinatown" Felix said. Wade nodded.

"I'm looking forward to the Japanese garden" Jack smiled nervously. He was still cautious of the 'other' Mark. He held out his hand towards you and you grabbed it. Everyone else smiled at the display. You two were adorable.

You all went to the airport and got ready, soon getting on the plane. You kept seeing Jack and Mark looking around, their eyes darting from one place to another. The ride is going to be somewhat fourteen hours. You sighed as you sat down on your seat. You were on the outer isles while Jack was in the seat in front of you with Felix and a stranger . Wade and Mark were sitting next to you. You heard Mark and Jack sigh in relief.

The ride was somehow not so bad, better then last time at least. You all happily chatted, sometimes being to loud, making the people around you not so happy. The flight attendants told you more then one time to please be quiet. Obviously Mark was deaf because after that, he was still loud. You basically had to put tape over his mouth.

You got off the plane, into the airport hallways and was out the door. You felt the warm sun shine on your face and you sighed as you felt the wind pass by. You looked around. There wasn't much people except for some families on vacation trips and people on for business, dragging their suitcase with a cellphone held up to their ear.

You all called a cab and went to the hotel you all were staying at. The hotel your staying is located near Union Square. You saw shops and buildings passing by as the cab drove. Some skyscrapers and restaurants passed by too. You all arrived at the hotel soon and got off the car, bringing your things to your rooms. The front of the hotel was huge, the white columns clean as ever. The floor outside was a smooth gold and there was some flowerbeds lining the side of the front doors. You and Jack were together while the other three had another room. All your rooms were next to each other, connected with a door so you don't have to go out to the hallway.

You sighed as you put your bag down and stretched. Jack smiled at you.

"Tired already?" Jack said. You grinned.

"Not yet" You cracked your back. "What's the schedule for today?"

"Today's Sunday, tomorrow we'll go sailing at Golden Gate Bridge" Jack puts away your bag as well as his. You jumped onto the soft bed. Jack doing the same right next to you.

The room itself wasn't so bad, the theme colors were white with a dark shade of pink. The pillows were the dark pink while the bed was white. There was a TV mounted on the other side of the wall of the bed. To the left of the room is a giant window, showing the city and a ledge to stand on. Three tables were in the room while there was a bathroom to the right of the bed.

"We're gonna share a bed?" Jack chuckled. Some heat crept on your face and you grinned.

"Eh, you're already here" You shrugged "And there's only one bed" you grinned and cuddled onto his side. Jack smiled and held onto you tighter.


A few hours later, you and everyone else was outside, going around the blocks and checking out shops. You got to go into some stores to check out some clothes and the boys complained. You just rolled your eyes. After, you all decided to eat at a restaurant. It was simple yet pretty. Right across the street to it was a museum and some apartments.

You all ate and chatted, talking about the plans for the trip and making sure everything is not out of place. You all either discussed about the newest movies or games too. The food was delicious.

"Oooh, there's ice cream" You said as you checked the menu out. It was 6:00pm. You were all hungry and now are getting desert.

"Chocolate!" Mark said.

"Eh, strawberry" Felix shrugged.

"Vanilla" Wade said, finishing his food.

"Wanna get a sundae?" Jack asked, almost hesitantly. You smiled and nodded. You got one of the waiters attention and asked for the ice cream order. Less then two minutes and they were already at your table.

"Ah, diabetes" Mark chuckled. He started to dig in the creamy goodness. Wade sighed. Felix chuckled and ate his also.

Jack and you ate the ice cream together. You hummed. It was even better then the food. Jack even fed you a few times. You all finished and went around for a bit. The weather here is a bit warmer then back where you all were. You all went exploring a bit, finding Union Square and some interesting places. Then you all retired for the night, going back to the hotel to get some sleep.

"Lets watch some Netflix" You said as you went out of the bathroom, wiping your wet hair with a towel. Jack was relaxing on the bed, going through the TV. It was now 8:00pm. Jack shrugged and grinned at you.


It was a few minutes in when Jack spoke up.

"Have you been here before?" Jack asked. You looked at him from the corner of your eye. His eyes were glued to the TV.

"Yeah, I think once but that was when I was really little" You shrugged. "But it was really fun"

"Well I hope you have more fun this time" Jack smiled. "Because you get to spend it with us"

You grinned. "I'm sure it will be interesting"

-Jesus I only left Wattpad for two days and when I came back, there was 169 notifications. It's sorta overwhelming hehe, thank you. Welp, it's that time of the month for me so if you just excuse me *eats ice cream in the corner*. I feel like my chapters are getting boring lately so I'm gonna try to make it more interesting.  Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, bye!-

(Quick question : Do any of you have a crush on a Marvel character? If so, please comment. I'll see who gets the most answered and might do a fanfic~)

(Spell checked)

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