Lets Go Ice Skating!

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"Lets go ice skating"

"What?" You said, tilting your head.

"Let's go ice skating" Wade said from your doorway.

"Why?" You asked.

Wade rolled his eyes. "Come on, it will be fun"

"I don't know" You scratched your head, looking to the side. Wade raised an eyebrow.

"You scared or something?" He smirked.

"What! No! No! Fine! I'll go" you sighed. Wade grinned. It's not that you're afraid, it's just you don't know how to ice skate.

"The others will be coming too" Wade said, then left the door open.

"COME ON! CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR" you yelled angrily. You heard Wade laugh. Bastard.

You got up and closed the door, then went to put on some soft warm clothes for the ice skating. You finished and went to Jacks apartment door. You were about the knock, your hand inches away from the door when it suddenly opened. You looked up and grinned.

"Hey" You said, heat coming onto your face.

"Hey" Jack breathed. He still didn't forget about the kiss. "Shall we go?" He asked playfully, holding his arm for you to take. You smiled and looped your arm around his and walked towards the exit.

"Hey! You guys already forgetting about me?!" Mark said from behind. You both turned around with a sheepish smile

"Sorry Mark" You said.

Mark sighed and closed the door to Jacks apartment and walked beside you two. His eyes quickly found you and Jacks arm looped together and he grinned.

"Alright, alright" he nodded, the shit eating grin on his face. You groaned while Jack laughed.

"Not yet?" Mark asked Jack. Jack looked startled and mumbled "Not yet" back.

You raised an eyebrow. What? Jack saw your questioning face and waved you off. "Nothing" He said with a smile. You shrugged and the three of you had made it outside. Wade and Felix were waiting for you three. They didn't fail to notice you and Jacks looped arms and smirked but didn't say anything. Thank god.

You all walked there since it was a nice day. Even though it was freezing but either way, it's nice to walk down the streets with your friends that you have come closer to over the past few weeks.

You all talked about Jacks latest live stream and how well it went.

"Oh come on, you were really amazing!" You exclaimed.

"Please, you could probably do better" Jack said. You rolled your eyes.

"I never really done a live stream" You said, walking over a crack on the sidewalk.

"Then you should do it with Jack next time he does one" Felix said.

You looked at Jack curiously. Would he say yes or would he shut you down and say no, you can't be in the live stream with him. If he does say yes, you would be happy that you get to spend time with Jack but if no, does he mean he didn't like you? Or something worse?

"Of course I would let her be in the live stream. Are you crazy thinking that I would say no to her?" Jack said, letting out a quiet snicker at your shocked expression.

Mark rolled his eyes. "When are you not crazy" Wade quietly laughed and Jack glared at Mark.

Felix sighed. "Alright, enough playing around, we're almost near the skating place"

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