Museums and References

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You groggily opened your eyes and groaned as you heard your alarm. You felt Jack shift behind you and felt his arms tighten around your waist. You smiled tiredly and yawned, turning your alarm off on your phone. You turned over so you're faced with Jacks sleeping eyes. You poked his nose and saw the corners of his lips lift up. You poked him again and saw one of his eyes opened.

"Good morning" He mumbled. His other eyes opened. You pecked him on the lips.

"Good morning"

Jack groaned. "What time is it?"

"Early, that's for sure" You grinned and sat up. You got out of bed, hearing Jacks protest of how you should've stayed with him. You smiled at him over your shoulder and disappeared in the bathroom. Once you freshened up and got out, Jack went in, kissing your cheek on the way. You grinned at him and went to your bag and clothes to get ready.


Once you and Jack woke up the others, them complaining about 'how fucking early it is', you all went to grab some coffee and breakfast. Today was Tuesday and the plan was to go to the shopping malls and going to a place called "California Academy of Science".

You (once again) dragged the boys to go shopping with you. Hey, you got extra space in your suitcase, why not fill it up? You went through isles and racks of dresses, shirts, jeans, leggings, and sweatpants. You even found a cute little bag!

The boys kept complaining but you just kept saying to them 'It will be over soon, quit complaining!' The boys just complained even more after that.

Jack kept his complaining to a minimal, just happy seeing you happy as you go through the stores and looking at clothes you like. After that 'horrific 40 minutes of my life' as the boys put it, you all went to grab something for lunch. You finished and went back to the hotel to get ready to go to the Academy. It took about a hour to get there with Uber.

When you all were standing in front of the building, all you could think of was 'cool'. There was giant glass windows from ceiling to floor where the doors were on the bottom. There were some big banisters hanging on the front of the building, showcasing all the events and cool animals in each exhibit. You all happily chatted on the way to the entrance. Felix payed for the tickets, saying how 'being one of the most iconic Youtubers gets you lots of money'.

You all rolled your eyes at that.

The first thing you noticed when you went inside was a giant skeleton of a dinosaur displayed right at the entrance.

"Look at the dinosaur!" Mark excitedly pointed out.

Behind the skeleton dinosaur was a eating center. You all decided to look around first and get to the main events later. You looked at all the displays of ancient artifacts and even saw a giraffe statue! Later you went down stairs to look at all the fishies. There was a ceiling to floor glass displaying some fishes and divers. Little kids on a field trip were scattered around the place. You and Mark pressed your faces against the glass so close you might as well been kissing the glass. You heard the others chuckling behind you.

"What? Can't we just appreciate fishes?" You said, hands on your hips.

"That one is shaped like a dick" Mark pointed out. You sighed while the others laughed. Wade walked closer to take a look.

"Oh yeah, it does" Wade nodded.

"Why would they put that in the tank to display?" Felix was now also standing in front of the tank, Mark and Wade between him.

"I thought you two were appreciating the fishes, not calling them dicks" Jack smiled at you. You rolled your eyes.

"There are children nearby" You playfully scolded. Jack rolled his eyes. You grinned and pecked him on the lips. When you looked back at him, he was smirking.

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