Going to the Waterpark! (Part 2)

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You heard a scream and opened your eyes, Jack doing the same thing. You two were still in the lazy river. You sat up, looking around for the source of the scream.

Jack looked at you, silently asking where was the scream coming from.

"Was that a scream?" Jack asked, adjusting his position on the float.

"I think so?" It came out as more of a question. "Let's go check it out, it sounded like Wades screaming" you said. Jack nodded and started to get off, you doing the same. Once you returned the float, you went to the location the scream was heard at. Jack was ahead of you when he all of a sudden stopped and started chuckling.

You looked at Jack and asked "what's so funny?" You went next to him, observing what was in front of you, then you also broke into grin.

In front of you was the three boys. Wade was standing behind a giant blue floaty, a wall behind him and Felix was holding it, looking angry and talking with Wade and Mark was holding the other side of the floaty, laughing his ass off.

"How did this even happen?! What type of material was your trunk made out of?!" Felix screamed.

"I don't know?! How am I supposed to know this was gonna happen?!" Wade screamed back.

Mark was still laughing, stumbling on his feet a little, almost making the floaty drop a little.

"AY! DON'T LET IT FALL!" Wade yelled, hurriedly holding onto the floaty.

"What happened?" You asked, slowly walking over to them.

"Stop!" Wade yelled, backing up more against the wall that he was in front of.

Mark laughed one more time and wiped a invisible tear "he somehow got his trunk ripped and now we're holding this in front of him so no one could see it" Mark said, pointing at Wades crotch. Wade turned a incredible shade of red, crossing his arms but then putting it back in front of his crotch with a worried face.

"How am I supposed to go to the bathroom without any clothes to get there?" Wade asked, looking around frantically to see if anyone saw him. Luckily, you all were near the edge of the park, so not many people were around you.

"Well just have to sneak our way back" Jack said, going to Wade to lift the float.

You were about to say something when Felix interrupted you.

"_______, do you want to help us or....?" Felix trailed off, a light smile on his face.

You rolled your eyes "I'll pass, but I'll make sure no one sees you guys" Felix nodded and lifted the float with Jack, Wade scurrying his feet to keep up.

Mark finally calmed down and helped also. "The nearest bathroom is a few ways down, so it's not gonna be that far" you said, scanning the area.

You walked ahead and gave a thumb up, signaling its clear. The group passed you and you covered your eyes. You heard some laughing and rolled your eyes. You hurriedly passed them and kept your thumb up.

The group scurried behind you when you suddenly heard some talking. "Hide!" You whispered and looked back just in time to see the four go behind a bush. You laughed at how stupid this was.

The group walked by, just a bunch of of men probably in their early 20's. You stood at the side of the path so they could pass. A man in the group walked passed you and whistled, muttering something that you didn't like to hear. You grimaced and looked away.

Once the group disappeared, you gave a thumbs up again and heard some rustling of leaves.

"You alright?" Jack asked you with a worried glance at you. You nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bunch of weirdos if you ask me" you joked and Jack looked at you again then continued to walk, holding the floaty.

You kept walking in front of the group, watching for anyone that is walking by. You heard a scream and looked at the source. There was a mother on the side with her hands covering her kids eye. You stopped what you were doing and shouted "RUN!"

So then that's how you ended up running through the water park with three grown ass men and a naked Wade. This day is just getting better.

You waited outside the boys bathroom with Mark while Felix and Jack went to get some clothes for Wade at the locker rooms. Mark was still laughing a little.

"So what happened?" You chuckled.

"Haha, well, we were riding a water slide that was really steep, me and Felix were already down at the bottom waiting for Wade and so Wade finally made it down and he didn't have his pants. We didn't even know how it got ripped off" Mark laughed.

You lightly shook your head. There was always things happening with this strange group of misfits you are in. You sighed and leaned on the wall.

"So, you and Jack were at the lazy river together?" Mark asked innocently.

Your eyes narrowed. "Yeah, just relaxing because of the chaos you three made in the past couple of days" you said.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say"

"Hey you know what the carnival is gonna be like?" You asked, changing the subject.

"I think? Just a carnival with rides, maybe a few roller coasters? I definitely want to try some of those caramel apples" Mark sighed, thinking how delicious it would be.

"I would rather eat cotton candy" you replied.

Jack and Felix came back with Wades clothes and went into the bathroom, Jack giving you a quick smile before disappearing in the bathroom. You had a small smile on your face. He was a sweetheart.

Wade came out, looking less scared at being seen naked since he was wearing his clothes this time.

"Thank you guys sooo much" Wade said to all of you.

You all said your welcomes and continued going on rides. You all had fun, laughing and screaming at each other.

You and Jack went on a ride together. You landed with another flip in the water. You went to the surface, gasping for air. Jack came beside you. You rested your head on his shoulder and put a hand over you chest.

"Why does that keep happening?!" You said, trying to get water out of your ears. Jack laughed and wrapped his hand around your waist and walked with you to the edge of the pool. You looked away from him, embarrassed. Jack smiled fondly at you and so you two and the rest of the group went on more rides.

You didn't know it was this exhausting to be in this group of friends but hey, you can't blame them, it's just who they are. They would always get into some sort of trouble and you felt like you and Jack were the only two responsible in this interesting group of friends. But either way, you enjoyed everyone's presence. They were always fun and weird to hang out with and you love it. If it was this troubling to deal with them, you can't wait to see what kinds of trouble they all could get into in the future.

-I really got nothing to say right now. I am just happy I did another chapter. Next one is gonna be everyone going to a carnival! (Maybe you might ride the ferris wheel with a certain someone~) I'm sorry if theres mistakes, schools a butt, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye!-

(I watched Love, Simon and I cried like a million times)

(Quick question - Do any of you guys watch Aphmau the minecraft youtuber?)

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