Sick Day

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When Jack came back into his apartment from saying goodnight from you, he was tackled into a hug by three very proud friends.

"Oof!" Jack yelled as he tried to keep his balance and not fall.

"Congratulations!" Mark screamed.

"We can't believe you actually did it!" Wade said.

"Thanks for having faith in me guys"

"Good job, guess you have a girlfriend now huh?" Felix chuckled. Jack grinned.

"Wanna celebrate?" Wade asked. Mark nodded excitedly.

"Junk food and TV?" Felix suggested. The boys all nodded.


You yawned as you opened your eyes. The morning sunlight reflected on your wall. You sat up and stretched your arms and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Today you had to go to work. You got ready and was out the door, Bobs food bowl already filled.

You were going back to pick up a order when someone that was passing by you sneezed. You jumped a little, surprised.

"Sorry" The stranger said. "I'm sick"

You smiled. "It's okay"

The day went on as normal. Some old couple that usually went by here, some whiny kids here and there and some tired parents along with the regulars. It was the end of the day, you were getting ready for bed, already in your PJs. It was soon that you fell asleep.


You woke up, feeling like complete shit. You were having a headache and was sweating. You groaned as you felt a sudden weakness wash over you. Oh no. You're sick.

You blindly reached for your phone and was able to get it and turned it on, going to Denis' contact. You pressed his number and waited for him to pick up while you closed your eyes. It took two rings before he picked up.

"Hello?" Denis asked.

"Hey Denis" You coughed. "I think I'm sick, I can't go to work today. Sorry"

"It's fine" Denis chirped. "I hope you'll get better. Make sure to take your medicine!"

You chuckled. "Got it" You hanged up. You looked around your room. Your medicine is in one of the cabinets in the kitchen. You're guessing you have a fever. It must be from the stranger from yesterday that accidentally sneezed on you.

You tried to sit and stand up but you felt a strong wave of dizziness hit you like a truck. You groaned and lay back down. You lay there for a few minutes, thinking. What to do...

You got your phone again and directly went to Jack.

I need your heeeeelp

What is it?

I'm sick, can you help me if you're not busy?

I'll be right there

You smiled as you heard Jacks door open and closed. Then you heard your door open and close. Footsteps were coming towards your room. Jack opened your door to see you laying in bed.


Jack chuckled and stood next to you. He pulled a chair and sat down on it next to your bed.

"You alright?" Jack asked.


Jack snorted. "How can I help you if you're not telling me what you need?"

You smiled. "Fair enough" You took a breath in. "I have a fever, I think. I'm gonna need medicine from the lower cabinet to the left of the oven. There's gonna be some medicine there. And I need some water too"

Jack grinned. "That's sounds like to much work"

"You want your girlfriend to die?" Jack smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Never" He left the room in search of the medicine. You lay there, waiting for him. You heard Bob meow his way in your room. You smiled as he jumped up on your bed and curled up by your side. You lightly scratched

Jack came back with a tray, on top was bowl of something, a towel, water and medicine.

"You know you didn't have to get all those other things" You said as Jack set down the tray on your bedside table.

"I wanted too" Jack replied. "You need to eat first then take the medicine" Jack held up the bowl. "I hope you like porridge"

You sighed. "I'm not hungry"

"You still need to eat" Jack hummed as he held the spoon of the porridge in front of you. You sighed again and ate the porridge. Jack kept feeding you until there was no more left. You took the medicine and Jack handed you the water.

"Thank you"

"Anything for my girlfriend" Jack winked.

Now your face wasn't red because of the fever.

"Shut up"


You sighed. It's been a few hours since Jack left because he had to do a video. You decided to take a nap. When you woke up, Jack was sitting right next to you again.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"If feeling like complete shit is better, then yeah" You smiled weakly. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Haha, very funny" Jack leaned in to kiss you and you held up your hand in front of your mouth, making Jack kiss your hand.

"You wanna get sick also?" You asked. Jack sheepishly laughed.

"Right after we're together I'm not allowed to kiss you" Jack pouted. "No fair"

"Who said life was fair" You smirked. Jack ruffled your already messy hair with a fond smile on his face.

"God, you and your smart mouth" Jack chuckled. You smiled. You two stared at each other before you heard your door open.

"What...?" You started but got cut off when Mark opened your door.

"Hey ______!" Mark happily said and went the other side of your bed across from Jack. "I heard you were sick"

"Mark? What are you..?" Jack asked.

"Oh! Yeah. So I was thinking" Mark paused. "We should go to America!"

"Mark" Jack nervously laughed. "I don't know-"

"Sorry, specifically California" Mark corrected.

You nervously laughed also. "You know we can't just drop everything and go to America"

Mark pouted and put on his best puppy eyes.

"Pleeaaassse? It will be good for all of us. We could go explore, eat and site seeing. It will be so much fun" Mark asked.


You looked between Mark and Jack. "I'm not sure..."

Mark looked absolutely crestfallen. His shoulders were slumped over and he gave out a sigh. You and Jack looked at each other, already feeling the guilt. Then you gently smiled at Mark.

"Well it would be cool to go somewhere that's not freezing cold" You smiled.

"I guess it would be nice to take a break" Jack grinned nervously.

Mark head snapped up to look at the two of you.


You both nodded. Mark screamed 'THANK YOU!' And hugged Jack and you, then ran out of your apartment. Jack looked at you.

"Guess we're going to America"

-Yay, America. I wanted it to be specificity San Fransisco because I'm more familiar with it. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter, bye!-

(Spell checked)

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