Going to the Beach! (Part 2)

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You changed into more thin clothes so you don't get too hot. You wore some shorts with a t-shirt. You were gonna meet up with the boys to eat and go around a little bit. Then the next day is gonna be the beach, the day after, a water park. And the rest is just gonna relax a little, like a vacation.

You went downstairs with your bag. The five of you met up and decided to go to a little shop to eat lunch.

The five of you walked there, talking about all the things you could do at LA.

"Do you think we could go to a carnival?" Wade asked.

"I heard there was one near the beach" Felix answered.

"Great, then we could go after going to the water park the next day" you said excitedly.

"Alright, it's settled" Felix said, looking around for the shop you guys were going to eat at.

Jack stayed by your side, thinking about the carnival. Usually carnivals have ferris wheels, so that means he could probably get a ride with you. The view would be pretty awesome but he hates heights, though he would risk it to ride with you.

"Will we be going at night or during the day?" Jack blurted out.

"Um, we are going to stay there the whole day and we're gonna leave at night so it doesn't matter" you said, finally reaching the shop. Jack let out a breath. Ok, so he still has a chance.

Wade held the door for all of you, getting a seat. You were all were sitting in the front of the shop, right next to the front window. Everything on the menu seemed pretty good. You ordered your top choice for lunch first while the others took longer.

Of course, you took out your camera and said a few things, showing the camera your friends. Wade smiled, Felix stayed hello, Mark waved enthusiastically and Jack gave a small salute. You told the camera your plans for the week, saying they won't get much of your videos. But you will be vlogging a lot.

You put your camera down, continuing eating your delicious lunch. Wade and Felix was talking to each other and Mark scarfed down his food, while you and Jack ate your food slowly.

"Is it good?" Jack asked, looking at you.

You sighed, "it's so good, might steal their food" you said, stuffing some more in your mouth.

Jack smiled, happy to see you enjoying yourself. He eyed your food, ready to plan a attack. He took his fork and swiped some of your food and ate it. You were to late to try to stop him. You glared at Jack, who was still eating your food.

You continued to eat your food, being careful to not let it happen again. Jack was surprised you didn't get him back so he just ate his food. You smirked and too your fork, swiping some of his food.

"Hey!" Jack exclaimed as you ate his food. You hummed and swiped some more. Jack growled and got some of yours. Again, you got his.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Jack said

"You started it first!" You defended

You and Jack glared at each other until you both bursted into laughing. The other three watched you amusedly.

Soon after that, all five of you walked around for a bit. You were able to go on a high bridge, making Jack wanting to go down soon after.

"Scared of being a little high up?" You teased.

"Tch, I would like to see you scared of something" Jack fired back. You grinned and continued walking.

"Ooooh, a mall" you said as you went to the entrance. You dragged all the boys to the clothing sections and looked at some of the clothes. You were looking through some tank tops when you heard Mark.

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